FOLIO is an open source project under the Open Library Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to open source in libraries. The FOLIO roadmap, requirements, discussions and code are all public. Community resources include:
- folio.org
- wiki.folio.org
- github.com/folio-org
- docs.folio.org
- dev.folio.org
- issues.folio.org
- discuss.folio.org
About the project
We are currently looking for two technical writers for this project. See Technical Writer Qualifications below for more information. We estimate that the work will take six months to complete. The writers will be supported by multiple SIGs, who have committed to making subject matter experts available. The writers will also be supported by the FOLIO Technical Writing Editor, Marcia Borensztajn.
Measuring project
We would consider the project successful if, after publication of the new documentation: