Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






































































































































































































Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2


service tag cannot add


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-testing


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-testing

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = node-group ?


Service tag in file terraform\rancher\cluster\ try to add tags.


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-testing


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-testing

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2


service tag cannot add


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = load-balancer-controller-role


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = load-balancer-controller-role

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = iam-role


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = vpc

Service tag 


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio


Existing tags for monitoring costs in Kubecost

EKS tags:

RDS, MSK, ES tags:

  • kubernetes_cluster    = cluster_name (ex. folio-dev, folio-perf)
  • kubernetes_namespace  = namespace_name (ex. volaris, folijet)
  • kubernetes_label_team = team_name (ex. volaris, folijet)
  • kubernetes_service    = name_of_service (ex., ES-Dashboard)

Resources created by Terraform

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-private-us-west-2c

Service = subnet

rancher-vpc-public-us-west-2crancher-vpc-public-us-west-2csubnetIn networkmain in block 

public_subnet_tags add service tag

Database subnet
Resource NameExisting TagsAdd TagsNotes
Cluster folder
EKS Cluster

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

In file terraform\rancher\network\ in block 

private_subnet_tags add service tag

Public subnet

service tag cannot add

Node Group

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-


Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service =

node-group ?

Service tag in file terraform\rancher\


try to add tags.


Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-db-us-west-2cTerraform = truetesting

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-db-us-west-2ctesting

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = subnet

In file terraform\rancher\network\ in block 

database_subnet_tags add service tag

Elastic IP

service tag cannot add

IAM roles

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folioload-rancherbalancer-vpccontroller-nat-eiprole

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folioload-rancherbalancer-vpccontroller-nat-eiprole

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = elasticiam-iprole

In file terraform\rancher\networkcluster\ in aws_eip resource add tag service in tag block
Project folder
Security Group

Environment = dev

Name = allow_es

Terraform = true

Env = folio-testing

Name = allow_es

Terraform = truetags block add Service tag.
Network folder

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = security_group

Changes in file terraform\rancher\project\

and in file terraform\rancher\project\

Amazon OpenSearch 

Name = es-perf-folijet

Terraform = true

Service = ElasticSearch

Version = 7.10

Name = es-perf-folijetvpc

Service tag 

Private subnet

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-private-us-west-2c

Terraform = true

Service Team = ElasticSearchkitfox

Version Project = 7.10folio

Region = Name = folio-rancher-vpc-private-us-west-22c

Env = folio-testing

Changes in

Region = us-west-2

Service = subnet

In file terraform\rancher\projectnetwork\elasticsearchmain.tfAmazon MSK

Name = KAFKA-PERF-bulk-edit

service = kafka

Name = kafka-bulk-edit in block 

private_subnet_tags add service tag

Public subnet

Terraform = true

Service Team = mskkitfox

Version Project = 7.10folio

Region = Name = folio-rancher-vpc-public-us-west-22cEnv

Terraform = folio-testing

Changes in file terraform\rancher\project\kafka.tfAmazon RDS

Terraform = true

Environment = dev

Terraform = truetrue

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-public-us-west-2c

Env = folio-testing

Service = rds

Region = us-west-2

Changes in Service =subnet

In file terraform\rancher\projectnetwork\

Tags do not match with Terraform code.

Terraform, Team, Project, Env, and Region are set up in files in each folder.

Cluster folder

Module code

Network module

Module docs

Monitor Kubernetes part costs

For monitoring costs in Kubernetes, we can use the Kubecost app.

Here is the official documentation for installation and configuration.

Using this tool we can monitor many resources by pods or PVC, namespaces.

Also, Kubecost used ElasticSearch, so we can use the Grafana dashboard

In files pipelines-shared-library\resources\helm can add Team label for each module:

Image Removed

Kubecost link

Monitor by Namespace:

Image Removed

Report CSV file example: cumulative-cost-for-last-7-days-by-namespace-hiding-idle-1663240778166.csv


in block 

public_subnet_tags add service tag

Database subnet

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-db-us-west-2c

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-db-us-west-2c

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = subnet

In file terraform\rancher\network\ in block 

database_subnet_tags add service tag

Elastic IP

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-nat-eip

Terraform = true

Team = kitfox

Project = folio

Name = folio-rancher-vpc-nat-eip

Env = folio-testing

Region = us-west-2

Service = elastic-ip

In terraform\rancher\network\ in aws_eip resource add tag service in tag block
Project folder
Security Group

Environment = dev

Name = allow_es

Terraform = true

Env = folio-testing

Name = allow_es

Terraform = true

Region = us-west-2

Service = security_group

Changes in file terraform\rancher\project\

and in file terraform\rancher\project\

Amazon OpenSearch 

Name = es-perf-folijet

Terraform = true

Service = ElasticSearch

Version = 7.10

Name = es-perf-folijet

Terraform = true

Service = ElasticSearch

Version = 7.10

Region = us-west-2

Env = folio-testing

Changes in file terraform\rancher\project\
Amazon MSK

Name = KAFKA-PERF-bulk-edit

service = kafka

Name = kafka-bulk-edit

Terraform = true

Service = msk

Version = 7.10

Region = us-west-2

Env = folio-testing

Changes in file terraform\rancher\project\
Amazon RDS

Terraform = true

Environment = dev

Terraform = true

Env = folio-testing

Service = rds

Region = us-west-2

Changes in terraform\rancher\project\

Tags do not match with Terraform code.

Terraform, Team, Project, Env, and Region are set up in files in each folder.

Cluster folder

Module code

Network module

Module docs

Monitor Kubernetes part costs

For monitoring costs in Kubernetes, we can use the Kubecost app.

Here is the official documentation for installation and configuration.

Using this tool we can monitor many resources by pods or PVC, namespaces.

Also, Kubecost used ElasticSearch, so we can use the Grafana dashboard

Each team has a separate namespace in the cluster. So we can monitor team costs by namespace filter.

Kubecost link

Monitor by Namespace:

Image Added

Report CSV file example: cumulative-cost-for-last-7-days-by-namespace-hiding-idle-1663240778166.csv

Kubecost configuration

SPOT instances

Kubecost will reconcile your spot prices with CUR billing reports as they become available (usually 1-2 days), but pricing data can be pulled hourly by integrating directly with the AWS spot feed.

For enabling hourly integration for SPOT:

  1. Create a bucket for SPOT logs
  2. Create user and grant read access to the bucket (copy API key and secret)
  3. In terraform\rancher\cluster\ file add values:

Image Added

Additional info:

Authentification using AWS Cognito

Manually steps:

For cost saving, we use one User Pool for all our clusters, but different App Clients.

Before deploying Kubecost check that Kubecost user pool exists in AWS Cognito or create a new one.

Image Added

Configuration for the user account, policies and others can be set up for project purposes.

Create a domain name using Cognito. The name prefix must be unique. In our configuration using folio-kubecost.

Image Added

App client creates and configured by Terraform code automatically.

Please, pay attention. If you change User Pool or domain prefix name change it also in code (terraform\rancher\cluster\ file).