Meetings are held Wednesdays at 11:00 every Tuesday (excluding the day when it conflicts with the Sprint Demo meeting)
at 10 AM Eastern U.S. time (following daylight saving sving time rules for that timezone; see this time in your timezone). Download .ics file to add meeting to your calendar.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: TBD
Or iPhone one-tap:
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Meeting ID: TBD
International numbers available: TBD
Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:meeting-notes-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | 7037de23-fe8c-471d-a815-dde7dd769f8a |
templateName | 7037de23-fe8c-471d-a815-dde7dd769f8a |
title | @currentDate @spaceName Meeting Notes |
createButtonLabel | Create meeting note |
buttonLabel | Create meeting notes |
All meeting notes
Content Report Table |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:meeting-notes-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | 7037de23-fe8c-471d-a815-dde7dd769f8a |
analyticsKey | meeting-notes |
blankDescription | Plan your meetings and share notes and actions with your team. |
blankTitle | Meeting notes |
spaces | AntonUITEST |
createButtonLabel | Create meeting note |
labels | meeting-notes |