Brief description
This is the first test for ECS circulation functionality, focusing on
title level requests. This functionality includes the ability to create
, view, edit, reorder and cancel title level requests
The goal of this
test is to verify that
ECS title level request functionality works as expected.
**Please note this work is still in progress. We’ve already identified some issues that we’re working through.
Steps 1 - 3 utilize the New request form. The form may change a bit in the next few sprints. When it is finalized, we’ll run a short UAT for you with the new form for feedback.
Step one asks you to search for a title from a provided list. If you are unable to locate a title, please search for another title from the list. This is a known issue we’re doing our best to remedy as quickly as possible.
Step 3 uses proxy/sponsor functionality. We have identified issues associated with proxy functionality in the Quesnelia release. They are in the process of being addressed and should not impact testing the workflow below. If interested, you can find more information abou the bug in UIREQ-1135.
Testing will take place September 16-20, 2024. Please have the form submitted by the end of the day on
Friday, September 20, 2024.
Test environment:
uat-setup/uat-setup - All Users Editing permissions
pic-at-checkout/pic-at-checkout - Check out: all permissions + User Record View + Profile Pictures View
Test credentials: Test User 1 with credentials: Test1/Testing1313# or Test User 2 with credentials: Test2/Testing1313#
Jira feature:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Feedback form: ECS title level request UAT feedback
Related Videos
UAT Overview
Functionality Overview Video (Originally created for Library of Congress)
Requests (standard, not private)
Create TLR request in borrowing/Central tenant
Locate item in Inventory, note location of item, change affiliation, place ILR
Appropriate patron notices sent for TLR and ILR Requests
Edit ILR
Cancel ILR
Edit TLR request in borrowing/Central tenant
Cancel TLR request in borrowing/Central tenant
Reorder queue on Primary circulation request (borrowing/Central tenant)
Check item out from Central tenant
Check item in to Central tenant
Ensure item is routed back to home location in data tenant
Appropriate patron notices sent for Loans
Find above transactions in the Circ log & verify info in each column
Look at Loan details
Look at User details
Staff slips
Print pick slips
Print hold search slips - item
Print hold search slips - title
Link to video demonstration(s)
Handling Invalid URLs
Log in to test environment (linked above) using the uat-setup/uat-setup credentials
Navigate to the Users app
Search for and open any user record to the edit screen.
Under profile picture, select Update > External URL
Experiment with using a mix of image URLs and non-image URLs, after inputting a URL select “Save”. For invalid or non-image URLs an error message should display, for valid image URLs the image should be previewed under profile picture on the edit screen.
Profile pictures displaying at Check out
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the uat-setup/uat-setup credentials
Navigate to the Users app
Ensure that at least two users exist with barcodes, and a proxy/sponsor relationship between them. At least one of these users should have a profile picture
For the purposes of this test, three users have been pre-defined:
Name: UAT, Proxy - Barcode: proxy
Name: UAT, Sponsor - Barcode: sponsor
Name: UAT, With Profile Picture - Barcode: with-pic
Feel free to create additional users and add profile pictures and/or proxy-sponsor relationships to them, but please avoid modifying the three pre-defined users.
Be sure to include a barcode on any new users so you are able to look them up at Check out.
Check out - With Profile Picture Permissions
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the pic-at-checkout/pic-at-checkout credentials
Navigate to the Check out app
Look up some test users without proxy-sponsor relationships
Users without profile pictures should display the profile picture placeholder image
Users with profile pictures should display the profile picture
Look up some test users with proxy-sponsor relationships
When users borrow on behalf of others, each user’s profile picture (or the placeholder image when no profile picture exists) should be displayed alongside their other other information
Check out - Without Profile Picture Permissions
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the no-pic-checkout/no-pic-checkout credentials
Navigate to the Check out app
Look up some of the same users from your first tests
The link below is to a recent video demonstration of requesting functionality. You do not need to sign in to access the recording. Watching this demo before you test may help you to be more comfortable testing.
Lref gdrive file | ||
Follow the steps below and use the feedback form linked above to record your results.
Create a Title level request (workflow A)
Log in to as either Test User 1 or Test User 2. Use this Tester for all of the steps below.
Navigate to the Inventory app
Find one of the following titles. Use only this title throughout the steps below:
A semantic web primer
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Life after life
Salvage the bones: A novel
Night watch
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
The 1619 project
Black CakeCopy the HRID from the “Administrative data” accordion
Navigate to the Requests app
From the Actions dropdown menu, select New
Check to make sure the box next to “Create title level request” is checked
Paste the UUID or HRID into the “Title information” box and select Enter
Select the Requester lookup link and search for one of the following users:
Stephanie Buck
Evangeline Armstrong
Gwenydd Meloney
Sally Owens
Alice Liddell
Ursula Todd
Nicholas Aria
Callan PhillionChoose one of the requesters from the list by clicking on the name
Select hold from the Request type and select a Pickup service point
Click Enter
Create a Title level request (workflow B)
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
From the Actions dropdown menu, select New
Check to make sure the box next to “Create title level request” is checked
Select the Title lookup link and search for the title you used above
Select the Title from the test above by clicking on it
Select the Requester lookup link and search for a name you did not use in the previous step
Select that name
Select hold from the Request type and select a Pickup service point
Click enter
Create a Title level request (workflow B) with a Proxy
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
From the Actions dropdown menu, select New
Check to make sure the box next to “Create title level request is checked”
Select the Title lookup link and search for the title you used above
Select that Title by clicking on it
Select the Requester lookup link
Search for Proxy and select one of the following
Test Proxy 3
Test Proxy 4
Test Proxy 5
Test Proxy 6Select the radio button next to the name below “Or acting as proxy for” in the dialog box called “Who are you acting as?”
Select Continue
Select hold from the Request type and select a Pickup service point
Click Enter
View Title level request details
Log into
Navigate to the Requests app
Select the following filters by checking the box (more filters will be functional with coming development):
Open - Not yet filled
Scroll through Requests that appear in the main pane of the Requests app and locate a request you placed in this testing session
Click on the request
Edit a Title level request
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Using the search box or filters on the left, look for one of the requests you created in steps 1-3
Select the request by clicking on it’s line in the results table
Review the following in the Request details pane: Request expiration date and Pickup service point
Click on the Actions button in the Request details and select Edit
Edit the form by adding a Request expiration date or Pickup service point
Click Save & close
Look in the request details pane to see if your edits appear
Click on the Actions menu in the Request details and select Edit again
Edit the form a second time by adding or changing the Request expiration date or Pickup service point
Click Cancel and then Close without saving
Reorder a title request queue
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Locate a request you created in steps 1-3 c
From the request details, select the Actions dropdown
Select Reorder queue
Using the 6 dots to the left of the Order column, click and drag a request to a different place in the queue
Pay attention to the number in the Order column
Cancel a title level request
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Locate a request you created in steps 1-3 and select the title so the Request details pane loads
From the request details, select the Actions dropdown
Select Cancel
Select a Reason for cancellation from the dropdown menu
Click Confirm
Look at the request details and note the request status