Kristin Wilson thought this would be an interesting idea. Is there a problem with proprietary records? Does anyone have contracts with record providers that prohibit this? SkyRiver must have overcome this already. Can FOLIO provide most of this functionality today? In a future call. Define problem and what requirements are needed for such a system.
- A A bibliographic utility, but this is not a Union catalog
- It would need to regularly harvest from FOLIO systems, central cataloging systems of consortia, and other ILS systems.
- Must de-dupe records and pick the best records.
- Needs ability to create records in the central utility directly.
- Needs ability to import all the records (not sure)
- "Codex like" search that includes central utility or ability to search central utility directly and push a record.
- Standard record. What does this really imply?
- Central policy for record quality? Who makes these decisions? Need a standards document. What is good enough? We need a separate discussion about this.
- Need mapping for record transfer.
- Export to Discovery? Is it needed?
- Needs to provide support for RDA and other non-MARC formats.
- Authority control and authority records as part of the central utility?
- Can we have a community curated system with some really good software?
- Ability to cooperate with vendors to supply records with item information corresponding to purchases.
What do we need to learn and what are our next steps? Next steps: A vision document. Charlotte will send a link to entity management documentation.