- Julia Kim
- Jeanine Nault
- Aaron Trehub
- Catherine Uecker
Regrets from Gregory Bailey
- Welcome and thanks
Discuss and finalize charge
Discuss next steps and action items
Discussion items
Ashley Blewer (formerly of NYPL) has other commitments and is not able to join the WG.
Conclusions/action items:
- Start with an SC&A needs survey, not a software survey; start defining core functional requirements.
- Look beyond existing software packages, but let the designers of ArchivesSpace, AtoM, ArcLight etc. know what we are doing.
- Follow and build on the RFP for the Hungarian National Library; contact other national libraries (e.g. the NLE).
- Invite other people to join the SC&A WG (e.g. Christine Wise at SOAS).
- Have an SC&A track at the WOLF-Con meeting at Duke University in May (May 7-10).
The call ended at 2:45 PM Eastern/1:45 PM Central. Next Zoom meeting automatically scheduled for Monday, February 5.