*Includes notices send by day, by type, by library or department.
Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object) | Folio Data Element Description | Parameters/Query |
Table name: /mod-notify/notify
ID (mod-notify/notify/ID) | The notification ID of the notice | Provides |
a join between type of notices
recipientId (mod-
inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loansrecipientId
| The holdings record ID of the item | Provides |
a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsan ID of the user if needed |
| text of the notification
Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locationsText of the notices sent
Table name:mod- |
inventoryholdings/holdingsItem holdings ID inventoryholdingsscheduled-notice-storage/ |
holdings/ID holdings ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventoryUUID of scheduled task |
LoanId (mod-circulation-storage/ |
holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items.Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/permanentLocationID) | Item's permanent holdings location ID | Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/locations |
Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/temporaryLocationID) | Item's temporary holdings location ID | Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/locations |
Item Title (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/shelvingTitle) | The title of the claimed returned item
| Needed for item search/replacementscheduled-notice-storage/loanId) | The UUID of related loan for loan notices
requestId (mod-circulation-storage/scheduled-notice-storage/requestID) | UUID of related request for request notices
feeFineActionId (mod-circulation-storage/scheduled-notice-storage/feeFineActionID) | TheUUID of related action for fee/fine notices
Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/InstanceID) | The instance ID of the item |
Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances. |
Table name: (mod-circulation-storage/scheduled-notices) |
Item checkout location (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemEffectiveLocationAtCheckOut) | Location from where item was checked out |
Item checkout location, could be a location filter for this report.l |
loan ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/id |
) Loan ID | Needed to count the number of unique loans, to calculate historic charges | Loan item status (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemStatus) | Status of the loan item | Where item status = 'Claimed returned'. This data element provides the main filter point for this report. |
claimed returned date (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/claimedReturnedDate) | Date the item was claimed returned for this loan | This data element provides a filter point for this report (where claimedReturnedDate between [start] And [end]). |
loan renewal count (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/renewal count) | Number of times an item loan has been renewed | Needed to add to the count of unique loan ids to calculate historic charges |
loan policy ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/loanPolicyID) | ID of the last policy used in relation to this loan | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies |
Item ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemIdThe UUID of the itemUser ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/userId) | The ID of the user whose loan is claimed as returned | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-user/users; needed to connect to user table to bring in patron information |
Table name: mod-circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies | Provides a join point between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items | policy id (mod-circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies/id)loan policy Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies | Loan policy name (mod-circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies/name) | description of the loan policy, e.g., one hour loan, three week loan, etc.Provides a description for the type of loan policy for the item that was claimed returned |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/ |
instancestorage/instancesunits |
ID (mod-inventory-storage/ |
instancestorageinstances) | The instance ID of the item |
Provides a join between
ID(mod-inventory-storage/ |
instancestorage/instances and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings Date of Publication (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances/publication:dateOfPublicationItem Record Date units/campuses/id) | Date (year YYYY) of publication, distribution, etc. |
Needed for item search/replacement | ID(mod-inventory-storage/ |
instancestorageinstancescataloguedDateid) | Date item record was created (date the item first entered the system after being acquired |
)Needed for item search/replacement | Table name: mod-inventory-storage/material-types | (mod-inventory-storage/material-types/id) | The material type ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/material-types and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/material-types/name) | Name of the material type (e.g., book, DVD, etc.Needed for item search/replacement | mod-inventory-storage/locationsLocation name (mod-inventory-storage/locations/name) | Name of location | This provides the main location filter for this report. |
Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locations/id) | ID of the location | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/locations and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Table name: mod-users/users | User id (mod-users/users/id) | The ID of the user whose loan is claimed as returned | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-user/users |
User first name (mod-users/users/firstName) | First name of the user | User's first name |
User middle name (mod-users/users/middleName) | Middle name of the user | User's middle name |
User last name mod-users/users/lastName)Last name of the user | User's last name | User group ID (mod-users/users/patronGroup)Patron group id of the user | User (patron) group id, to identify patron group name from groups table (e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.) | Table name: mod-users/groups | User patron group ID (mod-users/groups/id) | Patron group id of the user | Provides a join between mod-users/groups and mod-user/users |
User patron group name (mod-users/groups/name) | Patron group name of the user | Type of patron (user), e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.-notice-policy ) |
sendoption |
sendwhen |
triggering even |