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Statement of problem

  • In 2022, the Inventory and Data Import users discovered that MARC call number fields (such as 050, 060, etc.) with repeated fields or subfields are not handled properly when Instances, Holdings, and Items are created or updated. 
  • The default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance mapping rules handle repeated classification fields fine, since classification is a repeatable field in the Inventory Instance. However, the current rules do not handle repeated subfields within a particular classification field properly. This is often the case with classification for bibliographies or juvenile materials.
  • The existing field mappings for call numbers in holdings and item records do not work properly if the mapped call number field is repeated in the MARC Bibliographic record. Since the call number field is not repeatable in the Inventory holdings or item record, the result is a call number that is a combination of the multiple MARC fields.
  • See below for tables of the affected classification fields and subfields and requirements. 
    • Correcting the handling in Instances requires changes to the default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance map
    • Correcting the handling in Holdings and Items requires changes to the handling of mapped data in the call number fields of the Holdings and Item field mapping profiles

Related Jiras

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA
(fixed in Orchid)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA
(fixed in Poppy)

MARC Classification fields and Instances

Red = Change neededthat was made in Poppy

DescriptionMARC Field and relevant subfields

Current Pre-Poppy handling

when field is repeated

Required handling 

when field is repeated

Current Pre-Poppy handling

when subfield in one field is repeated

Required handling

when subfield in one field is repeated

LC050 $a (R)  $b (NR)Separate classification fieldsSeparate classification fieldsOne classification fieldSeparate classification fields, with 1st $a and its $b if present in first Instance field, and 2nd $a in second Instance field
NLM060 $a (R)  $b (NR)Separate classification fieldsSeparate classification fieldsOne classification fieldSeparate classification fields, with 1st $a and its $b if present in first Instance field, and 2nd $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second Instance field
UDC080 $a (NR) $b (NR)Separate classification fieldsSeparate classification fieldsn/an/aSince $a is not repeatable within a field, no change is needed
Dewey082 $a (R)  $b (NR)Separate classification fields. If there is a slash in $a, remove it and close up the spaceSeparate classification fields. If there is a slash in $a, remove it and close up the spaceOne classification fieldSeparate classification fields, with 1st $a and its $b if present in first Instance field, and 2nd $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second Instance field
Gov Doc086 $a (NR) $z (R)Separate classification fields. If $a and $z both present in the same 086 field, split them into separate Instance fieldsSeparate classification fields. If $a and $z are both present in the same 086 field, split them into separate Instance fieldsSeparate classification fieldsSeparate classification fields. If $a and multiple $z's are both present in the same 086 field, split them all into separate Instance fieldsNo change is needed
Local LC090 $a (R) $b (R)Separate classification fieldsSeparate classification fieldsOne classification fieldSeparate classification fields, with 1st $a and its $b if present in first Instance field, and 2nd $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second Instance fieldLocal Dewey092 $a (R) $b (R)n/an/an/aNot included in the default MARC-to-Instance map

Instance Examples

Based on the required handling above


MARC Classification and Holdings/Items

Red = Change that was made in Orchid

DescriptionMARC Field and relevant subfieldsField mapping

Current Pre-Orchid handling when field is repeated

Required Orchid handling 
when field is repeated

Current Pre-Orchid handling
when subfield in one field is repeated

Required Orchid handling
when subfield in one field is repeated

LC050 $a (R)  $b (NR)050$a " " 050$bTBDSome of the data from the second field is includedUse data from the first 050 only; ignore any subsequent 050 fieldAll data from the field is includedUse data from the first $a and $b only; ignore any subsequent
NLM060 $a (R)  $b (NR)060$a " " 060$bTBDData from both fields  includedUse data from the first 060 only; ignore any subsequent 060 fieldAll data from the field is includedUse data from the first $a and $b only; ignore any subsequent
UDC080 $a (NR) $b (NR)080$a " " 080$bTBDData from both fields  includedUse data from the first 080 only; ignore any subsequent 080 fieldn/an/aSince neither subfield is repeatable within a field, no change is needed
Dewey082 $a (R)  $b (NR)082$a " " 082$bTBDData from both fields included and mixed togetherUse data from the first 082 only; ignore any subsequent 082 fieldAll data from the field is includedUse data from the first $a and $b only; ignore any subsequent
Gov Doc086 $a (NR) $z (R)086$aTBDData from both fields  includedUse data from the first 086 only; ignore any subsequent if multiple $z?TBD086 fieldAs long as only $a is mapped, all is fineNo change needed
Local LC090 $a (R) $b (R)090$a " " 090$bTBDSome of the data from the second field is includedUse data from the first 090 050 only; ignore any subsequent 050 fieldAll data from the field is includedUse data from the first $a and $b only; ignore any subsequentLocal Dewey092 $a (R) $b (R)092$a " " 092$bTBDUse data from the first 092 only; ignore any subsequentTBDTBDper Data Import Subgroup

Holdings and Item Examples

Based on the required handling above

DescriptionMARC dataSample MARCField mappingHoldings/Item Call Number
LC2 050s

050 14 $aB3199.A33 $bP7613 2000a
050 14 $aB3199.A33 $bP7613 2000b

050$a " " 050$b

B3199.A33 P7613 2000a

LC1 050 with 2 $a050 04 $aZ5853.M38 $bG37 1993 $aTA418.9.C6050$a " " 050$bZ5853.M38 G37 1993

2 060s

060 10 $aW1 $bME9616J v.69 1997
060 10 $aQH 442.4 $bC386 1997

060$a " " 060$bW1 ME9616J v.69 1997
NLM1 060 with 2 $a060 \0 $aW1 NE372F v.12 $aQU 95 S839060$a " " 060$bW1 NE372F v.12
UDC2 080s

080 \\$a001.81 $bB67
080 \\$a001.82 $bBAR

080$a " " 080$b001.81 B67
Dewey2 082s082 04 $a300.723 $bHEA
082 04 $a338.7/6292/092 $bHEA $221
082$a " " 082$b300.723 HEA
Dewey1 082 with 2 $a082 04 $a300.723 $bHEA $a338.7/6292/092082$a " " 082$b300.723 HEA
Gov Doc2 086s086 0\ $aD 210.6:M 56
086 0\ $aY 3.AT 7:6 M 56/
086$aD 210.6:M 56
Gov Doc1 086 with 2 $z086 0\ $aA 1.1: $zA 1.1/3:984 $zA 1.1/4:985086$aA 1.1
Local LC2 090s

090 14 $aB3199.A33 $bP7613 2000a
090 14 $aB3199.A33 $bP7613 2000b

090$a " " 090$bB3199.A33 P7613 2000a
Local LC1 090 with 2 $a090 14 $aZ5853.M38 $bG37 1993 $aTA418.9.C6090$a " " 090$b
Local Dewey2 092092$a " " 092$bLocal Dewey1 092 with 2 $a092$a " " 092$b
Z5853.M38 G37 1993