Versions Compared


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Discussion items

Minute takerKristen WilsonEric Hartnett 

Product Council updates

  • FrontSide from Austin, TX Developers: Ebsco developers working on open API for Ebsco KB and plugging it into Okapi and producing a prototype User Interface. 

Working on proof of concept with EBSCO. Will be open source. 1) Connection from EBSCO kb to OKAPI. 2) OKAPI side - open API that any other vendor can use to integrate their KB into FOLIO. This will also be open source. 3) Also building out UI for EBSCO RM interface. Early prototype for RM.

Work is starting now. May start to include in demos so people can see features. Some people at EBSCO have relationship with Frontside. Interface will probably be different from Filip's interface but should build off Filip's design. Shouldn't be considered a competing vision. Built to test the functionality.

Goal is for API to be generic and publicly available so other organizations can build off of it.

FOLIO Roadmap review


Survey - 1 response per institution involved in FOLIO. Will not be anonymous. Features that relate to holdings management. Features that related to acquisitions. In order as the exist on spreadsheet. Will have rankings and "must haves." Will add check-in to the list of features. Will add free form box for contact info and additional features. Will send out today with deadline of Aug. 16th for discussion on 18th but depending on number of responses, may discuss during Aug. 11th meeting.

Suggested that ad hoc groups with specific expertise work with Stacks to go through the workflows (e.g., Monograph acquisition expertise to work on Monograph workflows), then bring it back to the SIG. How should these groups be structured? Two different groups - Stacks/Harry and Sebastian/Holdings. Balance between everyone having representation at the meeting versus being nimble. Proposed that a group would deal with manipulating holdings records which would then be integrated with acquisitions apps. There is no overall plan so it's difficult to know when a particular person's expertise is needed. Harry will get together with Leah, Kristin D., and Sebastian to come up with a plan. Working on the workflow app can help us create a framework for the acquisitions work. Harry will aim for next week for the plan.

Workflow Demo conversation and Comments

Filip recommends looking at the Discuss post and adding comments, even if it's "it all looks great." Would like more feedback before discussion. Suggestion that drag and drop functionality would work well in reporting app. Comment: It would be helpful to know what can be expected from the workflow app will be available and usable by other apps in version 1? In v.1, the number of steps will be limited. Ordering steps could be in v.1. EBSCO is not sure on the timeline of the workflow app. Which functionality is the priority? What are the use cases that the functionality if fulfilling? Need more clarity. Discuss post has some questions that need to be addressed.

Prototype, video and link to Comment:

Just an FYI - Discuss uses a separate account from Confluence. Self-subscribe to Discuss here: (and select the "Signup" button at the top)
If having trouble creating an account, contact Peter Murray.



Stacks Work Package:

  • No new package this week. Next update will be August 18
Kristin Delwo 

Meeting Schedule/topics for August

  • Kristin Martin out of the office August 14-25. Looking for convener
Kristin Martin 

Will discuss Workflow demo during next week's meeting, Aug. 11.

Discuss the roadmap survey during Aug. 18th call.

Stacks will come back with a more comprehensive work package for the Aug. 18th call with possibly breaking into the smaller groups at that time.

Harry will set up a meeting with John B., Kristin D., Leah, Ann Campbell, and Anne-Marie - initial purchases and renewals. Two groups: Acquistions and metadata/holdings. Peter offered join the metadata/holdings group.

Action items
