- Review Cypress and BigTest 1.0 (new version)
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Time | Item | Who | Notes |
30 min | Cypress Demo | | ui-courses uses cypress and yakbak; are orthogonal yakbak: from flickr yakbak-proxy: runs tapes via a proxy to work around that annoying bit cypress: open in Jenkins, runs in headless mode BUT!! has screen caps for failed tests, and video mocha is the assertion library cy.* is analogous to nightmare.click, nightmare.wait, etc cypress is asserting lots of things behind the scenes "selector playground" can suggest use helpers: Cypress.Command.add to add helper function to cy* WRT documentation: "by some distance, the best ever"; active Gitter channel
see also: cypress' testing-library, a unit-testing companion to
30 min | BIgTest 1.0 | | - BigTest 1 uses Karma
- BigTest 2 has replaced Karma with their own runner
- installed deps, config file, tweak things,
- emphasis on succinct syntax:
- good selectors, easy to e.g. test
- versatility wins: real browsers, AND JSDom/Node
- mocking of backend is an orthogonal concern
- functions similar to cypress: backend is a blackbox
- FS Runner, analogous to Cypress's
- agents for Chrome, Firefox, Safari
- can point at any URL you want, i.e. can function for e2e tests
- any browser that can load a URL can connect to BigTest as an agent
- tests separated into tests/assertions
- tests move state of app forward
- assertions are pure, cannot change state
- lessons both in usage and expression
- borrows from Capybara
- interactor sits between DOM and user
- no more decorators; very functional composition of interactors
- gives good error messaging when things fail
- interactor: defaultSelector is the "human readable" match
- BUT can use any kind of match, e.g. name, id, aria-label etc
- mutating steps/pure assertions is very powerful, leads to easy auto optimizations w/in suite
- mutating actions are always evaluated so never have stale refs
- TypeScript! So you get intellisense when writing interactors
- BT runs a proxy in between running service and test runner
- BigTest 1 was really just a collection of tools with siloed data and therefore poor interactions among them
- BigTest 2: reason about entire test stack as a single state; NO SILOs
- very few deps ... but is all homegrown :/
- partnered with Jonas Nicklas (capybara creator; https://twitter.com/jonicklas?lang=en)
- pillars of architecture
- data: all test result/assertion data available as graphql
- structured concurrency: cleanup correctly
- native agents: comm with browser via WebSockets
- i.e. tests are represented as data in GraphQL
- representing assertion as a piece of data is very powerful
- can get stack trace, detailed information
- can write agent in
- this is all OSS
- tests as data, not as scripts
- note: structure is an exported structure
- it's up to the agent to interpret the test
- so can layer on new syntax, b/c just maps onto a data structure
- e.g. cuke syntax is on the way because can just map Gherkin onto BT structure
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