35min | Title/item-level requests discussion - what does your consortium do? | All | - Martina: title-level requests at the library level - queue of requests distributed across all items
- consortial level: use ILL, not really an ILS title/item request
- Peter: both item and title level are available
- Steve B.: title-level requests; works well in most cases, especially for popular titles
- item-level requests can be done with staff intervention
- Noah: title-level requests; working well; one issue with multi-volume requests
- shows up on all libraries request lists; real-time list, which avoids multiple items being sent
- staff can do item-level requests
- Chris: title-level requests - only places request against items available to be circulated to that patron/library (i.e. wouldn't include non-circulating items)
- needs to distinguish policies for local patrons vs. consortial patrons
- Noah: is the system aware of item availability?
- Steve B.: Paging requests → first level of priority should be for items available at the home library
- choice of pickup location
- FOLIO: ability to specify service point for pickup location
- home library?
- not entirely necessary for pickup locations; it's better to allow an individual to specify their preferred pickup location (maybe with a home library as a default)
- probably need some notion of this
- scenario: many libraries have local delivery rules - e.g. departmental delivery, delivery to satellite locations, etc. (with various degrees of documentation) - that are not managed/facilitated by the ILS; it would be nice to see FOLIO support these local routing rules