Versions Compared


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Quelle: Upgrade-Protokoll  folio-hbz1 vom 

# Upgrade Q3-2020 Hotfix #2 => R1-2021 "Iris" vom 28. - 31.05.2021

# Voraussetzung: Q3 2020 Hotfix #2 (oder Hotfix #3) ist installiert.
# Annahme: der Standard-Mandant (hier: diku) ist abgesichert (supertenant-Modul mod-authoken a); ansonsten entfallen einige Schritte dieser Anleitung
# Snapshots der beteiligten Rechner machen (lassen): folio-server (Frontend, Backend-Module, Okapi), dbserver (Postgres-DB)
# Datenbankinhalte sichern auf dbserver
  ssh folio@dbserver
  cd db-backup
# Dump all roles on the source database
  pg_dumpall -g > roles.psql
# Dump Database contents
  pg_dump okapi > okapi.psql
  pg_dump folio > folio.psql


  # IK: Zuerst Umgebungsvariablen für mod_pubsub ändern, wg. Kommunikation mit Kafka: siehe https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=651107471770331 ; KAFKA_HOST und OKAPI_URL auf aktuelle IP-Adresse setzen
  # Das auch für diese Module machen (in R1-2021 kommunzieren diese mit Kafka): Quelle: Checklist Settings and configuration details for Data -Import application setup on a new environment: IrisImport (applicable from R1 2021 Iris release onwards)
  * mod-inventory-storage       The module now depends on Kafka message broker. Kafka should be up and running before module install.   Inventory-storage APIs (instances/holding-records/items - create, update, delete actions) will fail with 500 status code if Kafka is unreachable.       Make sure KAFKA_PORT and KAFKA_HOST environment variables are set and propagated to the mod-inventory-storage container before module installation.
Bohdan Suprun Mikhail Fokanov Oleksii Petrenko:
The same approach as for mod-pubsub may be used here. We tried to follow the same naming for the properties.
  cd /usr/folio/upgrade
  # Modulversion für R1 2021: 2.0.7
  wget -O pubsub-module-descriptor.json
  vim pubsub-module-descriptor.json
  # Im Launch-Deskriptor anpassen:
    }, {
      "name" : "KAFKA_HOST",
      "value" : ""
    }, {
      "name" : "KAFKA_PORT",
      "value" : "9092"
    }, {
      "name" : "OKAPI_URL",
      "value" : ""
    }, {
      "name" : "SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD",
      "value" : "****"    #  Hier irgendwas wählen (nicht das Standardpasswort verwenden, unsicher !)
    } ],
  curl -X DELETE -D - -w '\n' -H "$TOKEN" -H "X-Okapi-Tenant: $TENANT" http://localhost:9130/_/proxy/modules/mod-pubsub-2.0.7
  curl -i -w '\n' -X POST -H "$TOKEN" -H "X-Okapi-Tenant: $TENANT" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @pubsub-module-descriptor.json http://localhost:9130/_/proxy/modules
