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Pattern for tenant UI: https://<cluster-name>-<project-name>-<tenant-name>

This article describes how to deploy/update build ui bundle on rancher environment

Job: ui-bundle-deploy Build UI


refresh_parametersfolio_repositorylist<string>Repository from which UI bundle should buildfolio_branchlist<string>Branch of selected repo from which UI bundle should buildtenant_idstringTenant id for which UI bundle should build
booleanService parameter for parameters refreshingrancher_cluster_namelist<string>Name of cluster where project environment hostedrancher_project_namelist<string>Name of environment which changes should be appliedui_bundle_taglist<string>Name of UI bundle that already builded with UI-Build jobui_bundle_buildbooleanTrue if new UI bundle should be created. False if ui_bundle_tag parameter should be used
list<string>(Required) Select cluster

(Required) Select cluster namespace

FOLIO_REPOSITORYlist<string>Repository from which UI bundle should build

(Required) Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build UI bundle

TENANT_IDstringTenant id used for UI bundle creation
CUSTOM_HASHstringCommit hash for UI bundle build from specific commit
CONSORTIAbooleanIf True consortia tenant should be added to UI bundle

To update UI bundle you should know in what cluster you environment located. See Projects/(Namespaces) page.



  1. Go to Jenkins
  2. Navigate to Rancher → Update → ui-bundle-deploy folioRancher -> folioDevTools -> uiManagement -> buildUI -> buildUI
  3. Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact Kitfox team)
  4. Select parameters
    1. rancher_cluster_name CLUSTER- Select name of the cluster where your rancher environment located
    2. rancher_project_name - Select name of your environment
    3. ui_bundle_tag - If you previously build ui bundle image or you want to rollback, then select it name from drop-down list and leave next ui_bundle_build parameter as false
    4. ui_bundle_build - If you want build and deploy new (fresh) ui bundle then set this parameter to true
    5. folio_repository - Select repository from which ui bundle should build (platform-complete or platform-core)
    6. folio_branch - Select branch from which ui bundle should build
    7. tenant_id - Set correct tenant id for which this ui bundle should be used
    8. NAMESPACE - Select cluster namespace
    9. FOLIO_REPOSITORY - Repository from which UI bundle should build
    10. FOLIO_BRANCH - Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build UI bundle
    11. TENANT_ID - Tenant id used for UI bundle creation
    12. CUSTOM_HASH - Commit hash for UI bundle build from specific commit
    13. CONSORTIA - If True consortia tenant should be added to UI bundle
  5. Click Build button
  6. Wait for completion



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