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February14, 2019


Late in 2018 EBSCO sponsored an assessment of FOLIO by Open Tech Strategies (OTS). OTS was asked to answer one central question: "how ready is FOLIO for multi-tenancy hosting production?" They spoke to several members of the Core team and the FOLIO Community, downloaded code, stood up FOLIO instances, reviewed GitHub activity, and evaluated the code, processes and community activity to create their report.


OTS has experience with other open source projects and has approached this engagement as technologists as well as observers of open source communities. They applied both of these perspectives to their analysis and findings. FOLIO is a complex project both technically and socially. As a result, the OTS report required some validation, vetting and review so that its findings and recommendations could be put into context. This page represents the Tech Council's evaluation and eventual recommendations based on the OTS report.

The OTS Findings

The report is available here:


OTS made 29 recommendations, which they listed in Appendix C of their report. Each recommendation comes with a criticality/time horizon as well as the section of the report to which it relates.

Tech Council's Review and Commentary

Overall, it was an excellent, thoughtful and helpful report.

Our Process

We reviewed the report then held a meeting where OTS presented the report, and we were able to ask questions and discuss. We created a spreadsheet that listed all recommendations and then asked each Tech Council member to rank each recommendation with a timeframe in which we should recommend addressing the recommendation. The choices we had were:


After each TC member ranked each recommendation we met several times to discuss our responses and agree on a group ranking, which we documented in that spreadsheet.

Assessment of their recommendations 

The report's recommendations ranged in urgency, scope and specificity. Each recommendation was accompanied by a horizon (near, year, long) as well as a 'theme'. It was well done.


  • Document how to pull FOLIO modules from different or multiple npm repositories TC: 2021 (after 1st round of major deployments)

  • Pick an approach to improving thoroughness of test coverage  TC: Evaluation may have been done prior to current active efforts lead by Anton; we are using SonarCloud and set 80% coverage as definition of done.

  • Decentralize continuous integration and ease the burden of CI for developers who lack FOLIO insider access.TC: We should plan tasks to address this in Q2-2019

  • Provide better support for standardize administrative interfaces for customization.TC: Not important

  • Improve code quality by adding a linter or other automatic checkers to the continuous integration pipeline.TC: Important to continue to look at the output of the linters and other automatic checks that we have in place - but we do have them in place. Ensure that all teams are reviewing SonarCloud. Anton will send a message to developers.

  • Explore supporting additional database backends.TC: Something to consider as technologies and FOLIO mature but not urgent


This exercise was valuable. Having external eyes review and critique the project is healthy. Thankfully the assessment shows that FOLIO is in good shape with opportunities to improve (and with the understanding that functionality at this point is limited; teams are working this).

Key takeaways:

  • We feel that having a security audit done is an immediate need. 
  • The project's technical documentation has some inconsistencies and redundancies - to the point where it is a soft blocker for an organization that is new to the project and trying to engage in development or setup a multi-tenant environment. The TC's discussion around this area led to the idea of commissioning a Technical Writer for the project to help manage and streamline our documentation. We feel this role will be more necessary and beneficial over the next year (likely a contract role)


  • Partially related to this, there is currently a lack of diagnostic capabilities that will prove daunting in a deployment.
  • Lastly, we should step back and review some of the technical decisions/implementations related to multi-tenancy and see if we need to strengthen or add flexibility as a result of that analysis.

We will be adding appropriate actions to the JIRA backlog so that they can be prioritized by the POs and community members.
