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Lars Iking (UB Mainz); Kristin Martin (PC); Ian Walls  (ByWater); Hkaplanian  (EBSCO); Maccabee Levine (TC); Paul Kloppenborg (BSZ); Ludwig Liebl BSZ)

Discussion items

OLF Update - Open source licensing audit 

Request for auditing for compliiance compliance of the usage of certain software–what libraries and code components included with FOLIO are Apache 2 compatible?  OLF is not offering such a service until now

  • legal questions, no technical questions → not in the scope of TC
  • Lars Iking from UB Mainz is an expert on this topic and offers support - recent white / black list could be offered 
    • Cooperation with other legal experts in the network would be very helpful
    • Could provide TC a list of software components/tools in question? 
    • Lars will provide a list → no deadline 
Treasurer's update
  • Full update delayed, going over some minor discrepancies with the accountants (mostly due to accrual accounting rules)
  • Still expect to recommend moving $90,000 to reserve account for a full 6-month reserve fund
  • CC needs to explore best ways to spend its current annual income 
 FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Since FOLIO's inception, Index Data staff have performed various DevOps and System Administration activities on behalf of the community. There are certain tasks that don't require Index Data expertise and for which we get no intrinsic value performing, such as:

  • Github
  • Jenkins
  • Slack
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Sonarcloud
  • etc.

We estimate that we spend 8-12 hours per week on this activity.

Index Data needs to pull back from these System Administration tasks - we will end our support by March 1, 2024. Note that Index Data is committed to seeing through the transition of the self-hosted Jira and Confluence to Atlassian Cloud, after which Linux system administration will no longer be required. This should reduce the bar for some of these tasks.

This is a call to the Community to start to look for staff that can step in and perform these duties. We will provide a more detailed list of responsibilities along with a more granular estimate of level of effort per week, but we wanted to get this on people's radar.

We will continue to maintain the reference environments for FOLIO releases. We will be talking to EBSCO to make sure that CI/CD pipelines and software are maintained appropriately (there are tasks that no one is doing at the current time).


Paula - some of these are just administrative tasks that a FOLIO officer could take on

Christopher - Notes that some of these tasks shoushould be taken to OLF because Jira etc. are used by more projects than just FOLIO. He will take to OLF Exec later today

Maccabee - Notes that sometimes there can be a bottleneck in maintaining some of these, and that we have intentionally moved to make some of these platforms OLF-wide (e.g. Slack)

Thanks to Index Data for doing this for so long. Peter and others have provided excellent support

Will also include Zoom handling.

Mike - Hopes we might have a crew of of folks to manage

Kristin - Some of this would could be a contribution from members. Need to have consistent support

Tom - Propose schedule for managing transition - maybe a list and plan for January 1, candidate teams by February 1.

Simeon - Need to be clear what is OLF and what is FOLIO in this plan.

Community survey

Survey closed Friday Sep 29. Tom will share a first draft / summary of grouped items

Tom - Has collected responses in the first draft linked above. 24 pages to work through... will work on a summary. Topics:

  • same as last last year: governance, communication, onboarding
  • particular topics this year
    • documentation
    • cross-application consistency, user experience (too much clicking)
    • releases and roadmaps


  • Tom, Maccabee, Jesse - will produce summary to share early in the new year
  • All - feel free to add comments as you read/review, can also suggest new high-level categories
Open source licensing audit updateChristopher Spalding 

Update from OLF attorneys regarding ask for assistance choosing a solution to help audit licensing compliance. 

FOLIO Developer Advocate

After not having enough members present last meeting we resorted to Slack votes: - Still only 6 votes. Need 7.

DECIDED IN SLACK - there are 7 approvals, no objections

NEXT STEPS: Mike and group will move forward with recruiting

Other Business

Need clarity/changes to website - be managed from responses.

Mike - Get involved button is confusing and has had some people clicking submit and not getting anything. Mike will follow up with EBSCO folks about changes

Kirstin - Would get rid of form, it create irritated people. Should suggest to contact CC chairs

Simeon - Whenever we discuss the website it is because it is our of date or not correctly representing FOLIO. Sould keep website minimal with pointers in to the wiki

Boaz - Should understand who pays attention to the "sign up for community updates form". Mike has reached out to Rachel to understand

Backlog of topics to discuss
Action items to follow up with
Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update
Architecture group
