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Guests: Ian Walls 

Discussion items



  • PS reports sorting out accounts, paying OLF bills, formal report next week

WOLFcon Planning - Presented request for ideas to SIGs - December 1st deadline

  • MG summarized status, see link above
  • Dates now Aug 31 - Sep 2, 2022. We note conflict of travel with US Labor Day (Mon Sep 5) weekend
  • PS notes bad recent experience from hybrid meeting where the in-person attendees ended up with less good connection than the remote attendees. Thinks some will have difficulty justifying in-person attendance when there is a remote option
  • Will sessions be recorded? Yes - plan is for everything to be recorded

Access to FOLIO Newsletter Addresses - OLF establishing a formalized process - should have it nailed down in the next 4-6 weeks

  • MG & KKH working out process and controls with OLF

Release Retrospectives - No progress

  • MG will follow up
  • II has spoken with folks about retrospective - no negative reactions and some positive ones

Other updates:

  • Trying to find new members for funding group
Communication Strategies Group

This is the group that has been meeting first about Onboarding material, then about the website, and potentially expanding effort.


  • Defining "Journey Map" for Librarians, Developers, Vendors
  • Leads to content on website
  • Also produces action items for other communication channels 

Charter - Since this group's charge has expanded some, we recommend taking the subgroup public on slack and formalizing it's purpose. We feel like the name "Communication Strategies" is an apt name. We think this subgroup of the CC can lead the discussion and decisions around communications, copy, channels, and audience for important activities like:

  • Membership drives
  • Calls for Grant proposals
  • Community Updates
  • FOLIO Forums
  • Press Releases and other News
  • Other...

Note that the Community Outreach SIG will continue to execute the actual communications ("The Community Outreach SIG aims to keep the community informed of news and events and encourage community engagement in the project.") and the FOLIO Forum Facilitators will also implement those sessions. This strategy group is intended to ensure communications are organized and coordinated across channels. 

Given this, the following is proposed as the Communications Strategies charter:

The Communications Strategies Subgroup aims to identify communication strategies and lead the coordination of communications across the various channels that serve the FOLIO Community


  • BNM wonders whether this group is the same as onboarding, but still useful.
  • II ask whether maintaining path toward engagement is part of this journey mapping - MG, yes 
  • II is it reasonable to assume that communication is the reason someone falls off the journey? Agreement that there may be other reasons (e.g. internal, money, loss of interest,...). We don't have data on why people have fallen off
  • MG does Comm Strat Subgroup of CC make sense?
  • DH must coordinate with other groups
  • Noting importance of Rachel and connection with Forum Facilitators
  • "Subgroup" => only CC members? No - would be open to others, perhaps change name
  • Agree "Communications Strategies Working Group"
  • Review charter next week
 FOLIO Community Holidays

At the end of a recent PC meeting, some questions around which holidays warrant a cancelation of a meeting (e.g., we are canceling PC because of Thanksgiving)--do we have this information provided anywhere? Also questions around handling time zones, and the daylight savings time situation. Previously we had tied meetings to Eastern Time (whether daylight or standard), should we still? Have that documented anywhere? Anya brought up the challenge of Southern Hemisphere FOLIO libraries! 

  • PS - suggestion from PC discussion that SIGs would pay attention to critical mass of the group, might also apply to other group absence
  • SW - think we just need to pick a timezone to pin to and state it
  • PH - useful to state specific meeting times in multiple timezones even if pinned to one
  • Question of what support / response expectations are in community?
  • MG - community source project, no SLA from project (may be from vendors for hosting etc)
  • KL - hope to promote idea of FOLIO as real and serious project, he does lots of Q&A in conferences to promote FOLIO
  •  AGREEMENT - Doesn't make sense to specify community holidays; will pin meeting times to ET
Community Member identification

Similarly to the policy around public vs. private channels, does / could the FOLIO community have a policy where a person’s name (and maybe organisation) is included in the profile of all of the accounts they use (e.g. Slack, JIRA / Confluence, GitHub)

  • Agreement that it would be useful to encourage people to include at least their organization in profiles, potentially also role and FOLIO groups
  • MG will make proposal
  • Next week is US Thanksgiving but will still have Monday meeting