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FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #20

July 30, 2018

Attending: Gregory Bailey (Texas A&M); Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Pablo Morales Henry (Harvard/Radcliffe); Mike Thuman (Arkivum); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University); Mike Thuman (Arkivum); Catherine Uecker (University of Chicago)

Regrets: Erin Faulder (Cornell University); Kathleen Feeney (University of Chicago); Ricc Ferrante (Smithsonian); Noah Huffman (Duke); Julia Kim (LC); Peter Murray (Index Data); Aaron Rubinstein (UMass-Amherst); Sarah Schmidt (Duke)

The meeting began at 2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central. Aaron T. apologized for the abruptness of the time change, explaining that the interim dean at his library has claimed the 11:00 AM time slot for a Monday morning admin meeting, beginning July 30.


1. Recent WG membership changes. Jeanine Nault (LC), Katherine Short (DeMontfort U.), and Christine Wise (SOAS), and Jeanine Nault (LC) have rotated off the Working Group in the past few  months. Mike Thuman (Arkivum) has joined the group, as has Christie Peterson from Smith College. With Aaron Rubinstein (UMass-Amherst) also on the WG, the Five College consortium is well represented.

2. July 23 call: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=144543123051805. No changes.

3. SC&A White Paper for FOLIO SIGs: Aaron T. asked everyone on the WG to take a look at the White Paper and make any changes or additions they deem advisable. He'd like to get the final draft of the White Paper to the FOLIO Product Council (PC) by the end of August/beginning of September.

4. Conversations with vendors. Sebastian has initiated a conversation with Genie Powell from Atlas Systems, developers of Aeon. Aaron T. will follow up. Aaron T. said that Art Pasquinelli from the LOCKSS office at Stanford would probably also be interested in talking with the group (Sebastian, Peter, and Aaron T. spoke with Art last month). Mike Thuman offered to reach out to representatives from Artefactual Systems. Gregory confirmed that Texas A&M is implementing Artefactual's AtoM archival management software. Anchor_GoBack_GoBacksystem.

5. Other business:

  • The open document for soliciting input from the archives community at SAA: Although our SAA pop-up session proposal was not selected, there should be other opportunities for other conversations about FOLIO at SAA. It might be useful to get the open document ready for that purpose. Aaron T. will gauge interest. Mike Thuman offered to serve as a "walking sponsor" for the WG at SAA.
  • Quarterly FOLIO Update presentation by Harry Kaplanian (EBSCO) on July 25. Aaron T. will send the link for the recording ( to the group.
  • FOLIO early adopters: Sebastian said that Chalmers University in Sweden is planning to go live with FOLIO at the end of 2018/beginning of 2019. Gregory and Catherine said that Texas A&M and the University of Chicago are planning to implement FOLIO in Summer 2019. The Five College consortium in western Massachusetts is planning to do the same. Aaron T. said that Auburn has not yet identified an implementation date, but is also looking at Summer 2019. The outcome may hinge on who takes over as dean at Auburn.
  • New FOLIO Web site is scheduled to be launched in August.
  • Given the focus on early adopters and core apps, Sebastian emphasized the need to keep the requirements of special constituencies in front of developers and the SIGs. We hope that the SC&A White Paper will help to do that. Some of the core apps may be suitable for re-use in more-specialized modules (e.g. ERM and SC&A).
  • Gregory offered to share Texas A&M's evaluation of digital asset management systems (DAMS) with the group.
