- Download the archive and unpack it near by.vagrant folder. Download link → oai-pmh-modules-replace-jars.7z
- Clone both aoi-pmh and edge-oai-pmh modules.
- For each perform mvn clean install.
- From generated target folder of both modules grab the fat.jar and both ModuleDescriptor.json and DeploymentDescriptor.json files and copy them under the target file of corresponding folder within oai-pmh-modules-replace-jars unpacked directory(folder name matches the module name).
- Go to vagrant console and switch to oai-pmh-modules-replace-jars directory (cd /vagrant/mod-data-import_enable)
- Run appropriate script → ./{script-name}.sh
aoipmh.sh script will redeploy both modules by default. So, as long as edge-oai-pmh module requires oai-pmh module, we cannot drop and redeploy oai-pmh module only, because errors will appear that edge-oai-pmh requires it. Script drops the edge-oi-pmh firstly and oai-pmh afterward. After that script
enables(deploys) oai-pmh firstly and then the edge-oai-pmh as well (
opposite order in which they are undeployed).
edge.sh script will redeploy edge-oai-pmh only.