This document contains the results of the testing Data Import (batch imports) on 62 tenants with the following scenarios onthe MCPT cluster
Jira Legacy | ||||||
The average duration of single record imports on 61 member tenants (50% member tenants create, 50% member tenants update) during :
DI_T2(CT-10k_MT-SRI-50/50). Central tenant(CT) performs a large update batch import with 10K MARC BIB records; 100% Member tenants(MT) does single record imports(SRI) where 50% of them doing Create and 50% doing Update of single records.
The average duration of single record imports on 61 member tenants (50% member tenants create, 50% member tenants update) during :
DI_T1(CT-2k_MT-SRI-50/50). was 1,2 second for Create profile and 1 second for Update;
DI_T2(CT-10k_MT-SRI-50/50). was 1,5 second for Create profile and 1,2 second for Update;
was 1,2 second for Create profile and 1 second for Update;
DI_T2(CT-10k_MT-SRI-50/50). was 1,5 second for Create profile and 1,2 second for Update;
All Data-import finished with the status “Completed“
Most CPU consuming services were mod-consortia-b , mod-quick-marc-b, mod-inventory-b, mod-di-converter-storage-b, mod-source-record-storage-b, mod-inventory-storage-b, okapi-b, mod-source-record-manager-b their values are in Service CPU Utilization section
During 2 tests few services showed changes in memory utilization: mod-data-import-b(36%-50%), mod-search-b(24%-31%), mod-inventory-b(15%-28%), mod-source-record-manager-b(14%-22%), mod-inventory-storage-b(13%-23%),mod-source-record-storage-b(12%-16%). No memory leaks.DB CPU usage during no memory leaks.
DB CPU usage during DI_T1(CT-2k_MT-SRI-50/50) has increased up to 80% and during DI_T2(CT-10k_MT-SRI-50/50) increased up to 95%.
Recommendations & Jiras
Add more CPU for 4 first services that have high CPU(>100%) utilization mod-consortia-b, mod-quick-marc-b, mod-inventory-b, mod-di-converter-storage-b
Test Runs
Recommendations & Jiras
). Central tenant(CT) performs a large update batch import with 2K MARC BIB records; 30% Member tenants(MT) does single record imports(SRI) where 50% of them doing Create and 50% doing Update of single records.
DI_T2(CT-10k_MT-SRI-50/50). Central tenant(CT) performs a large update batch import with 10K MARC BIB records; 100% Member tenants(MT) does single record imports(SRI) where 50% of them doing Create and 50% doing Update of single records.
Test Results
DI_T1(CT-2k_MT-SRI-50/50). This section contains durations for Data-import for jobs with “PTF-Create-3” on Central tenant: with 2K records and single record imports on 21 member tenants (50% with “Inventory Single Record - Default Update Instance“ profile, 50% with “Inventory Single Record - Default Create Instance“ profile).