During Test 1- Test 4 the average number of database connections was about 400.
Database Load
As we can see from the graphs Database load sliced by Waits(Green columns) and sliced by SQL(light green), the most consuming is the SQL query given in the Full SQL query section. The average duration of these SQL queries is about 6,5 seconds for 4 tests. The detailed analysis of this query is in the additional section.
Database load during Test 1 .
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select "alias_94280021"."external_id", "alias_100265999".count from (select distinct "records_lb"."external_id" from "records_lb" join "marc_indexers_leader" on "records_lb"."id" = "marc_indexers_leader"."marc_id" where ((p_05 = 'd') and "records_lb"."state" = 'ACTUAL' and "records_lb"."suppress_discovery" = false and "records_lb"."record_type" = 'MARC_BIB' and "records_lb"."external_id" is not null)) "alias_94280021" right outer join (select count(distinct "records_lb"."external_id") from "records_lb" join "marc_indexers_leader" on "records_lb"."id" = "marc_indexers_leader"."marc_id" where ((p_05 = 'd') and "records_lb"."state" = 'ACTUAL' and "records_lb"."suppress_discovery" = false and "records_lb"."record_type" = 'MARC_BIB' and "records_lb"."external_id" is not null)) "alias_100265999" on true