- Running FYR on eureka completed with errors. Tests failed multiple times on overall order rollover with 504 Gateway Time-out issue.
- The problem confirmed on okapi based environment. In scope of investigation of the problem the Time-out was solved changing parameter max_locks_per_transaction in DB configuration from 64 to 1024.
- Eureka based environment (after changes were applied):
- #1 Phase Test FYR took 3 hours 35 minutes, completed successfully.
- #2 Phase actual FYR took 8 hours and completed with errors* (Order rollover Error).
- Okapi based environment (after changes were applied, testing is carried out in scope of investigation to check functionality of FYR):
- #1 Phase Test FYR took 3 hours 20 minutes. Completed successfully.
- #2 Phase actual FYR took 9 hours 7 minutes. Completed successfully.
- Service CPU utilization for both phases was under 5% on eureka environment except a spike at the beginning of test rollover (mod-finance-storage - 16%, mod-invoice - 10%). Module mod-inventory - 11% during whole test.
- DB CPU usage was on level of 9% during #1 Phase and there was growing trend from 9% to 15% during the rollover itself on Eureka environment with 4xlarge database. On xlarge database - 39% without growth.
- No memory leaks were found.
Recommendations & Jiras
- Set max_locks_per_transaction parameter in DB cluster and instance configurations from default 64 to 1024 to avoid Time-out issue during actual rollover (#2 Phase).
- Investigation of issues on Eureka based environment
- Time out issue.Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODFISTO-495
- POST /finance/ledger-rollovers null HTTP_1_1 500 265 400027 tid=[tenant] Internal Server Error. This error happens when we try FYR with more than 10k open orders. The last attempt to run FYR with 50k open orders after changed recommended parameter max_locks_per_transaction failed. A new observation here is that budgets became unavailable with open orders >= 42000 after max_locks_per_transaction parameter was changed from 64 to 1024. Probably it may cause fail of FYR.
- * Error message: io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Response status code 401 is not between 200 and 299,qelc2/mod-finance-storage/9044d47f773b48a99cc6c8420864b724 which indicate possible RTR issue.
- WARN [org.fol.sid.ser.rou.RequestMatchingService] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-4) Egress routing entry was not found for the request's path. Forwarding request to the Gateway:moduleId = sc-mod-finance-storage, path = /orders/rollover, destination = https://kong-qelc2.int.aws.folio.org, x-okapi-module-id = null",qelc2/sidecar-mod-finance-storage/9044d47f773b48a99cc6c8420864b724,054267740449:qelc2-folio-eis
- ERROR edgerRolloverService handleOrderRolloverError:: Orders rollover failed for ledger f38a29f5-feaa-4363-98a1-1eba79557c9c
Spikes are connected to fqm manager queries (as example - REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY [tenant]_0001_mod_fqm_manager.drv_langu...). Do not affect duration of FYR.
The #2 phase completed successfully in non-eureka. It utilized 35% which is almost the same as in #1 phase.
DB Connections
DB connections stay on the same level during all phases of FYR. Connections in Eureka - 690 and non-Eureka 1380.. The difference can be explained by enabled mod-serials-management module on qcon environment.
Test FY rollover (non-Eureka)
On this graphs sql statement responsible for budget encumbrances rollover consume most of CPU.
FY rollover
PTF -environment qelc2
- 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
1 database instance, writer.
Name Memory GIB vCPUs max_connections db.r6g.4xlarge
128 GiB 16 vCPUs 4000 db.r6g.xlarge 32 GB 4vCPUs 2000 database cluster and instance parameters max_locks_per_transaction - 64, changed to 1024
- MSK fse-tenant
- 4 kafka.m7g.xlarge brokers in 2 zones (2 brokers per zone)
Apache Kafka version 3.7.x, metadata mode - KRaft
EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB
- auto.create.topics.enable=true
- log.retention.minutes=480
- default.replication.factor=2
PTF -environment qcon
- 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
1 database instance, writer
Name Memory GIB vCPUs max_connections db.r6g.xlarge
32 GiB 4 vCPUs 2000 database cluster and instance parameters max_locks_per_transaction - 64, changed to 1024
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Cluster Resources - qelc2-pvt (Wed Nov 06 11:34:51 UTC 2024)
Legacy approach about data preparation instructions can be found at the link: Steps for testing process#Fiscalyearrollover Use this link to get exact number of organizations, orders, POLined, invoices
- Set max_locks_per_transaction parameter in DB cluster and instance configurations from default 64 to 1024 to avoid problems with ordersRollover.
- Additional info for testing (scripts, queries) saved in S3 bucket - Buckets/fse-ptf/FYR/
- envs_data_gen_scripts - txt files with sql which populate DB with data
- qelc2 and qcon jmeter scripts to change status from pending to open