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This article describes how to build ui bundle on rancher environment

Job: Build and deploy UI


consortia tenant should be
CLUSTERlist<string>(Required) Select cluster

(Required) Select cluster namespace

FOLIO_REPOSITORYlist<string>Repository from which the UI bundle should buildbe built

(Required) Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build UI bundlewas used to build the UI bundle

CUSTOM_HASHstringCommit hash for UI bundle build from a specific commit
TENANT_IDstringTenant id ID used for UI bundle creation

CUSTOM_HASHCONSORTIAstringCommit hash for UI bundle build from specific commitCONSORTIAbooleanIf True consortia modules are added to the UI bundle
LINKED_DATAbooleanIf True linked-data modules are added to the UI bundle

To update the UI bundle, you should know in what cluster you your environment is located. See the Projects(Namespaces) page.


  1. Go to Jenkins
  2. Navigate to folioRancher -> folioDevTools -> uiManagement -> buildUI -> buildUIbuildAndDeployUI
  3. Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact the Kitfox team)
  4. Select parameters
    1. CLUSTER - Select cluster
    2. NAMESPACE - Select cluster namespace
    3. FOLIO_REPOSITORY - Repository from which UI bundle should build
    4. FOLIO_BRANCH - Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build UI bundle
    5. CUSTOM_HASH - Commit hash for UI bundle build from specific commit
    6. TENANT_ID - Tenant id used for UI bundle creation
    7. CUSTOM_HASH - Commit hash for UI bundle build from specific commit
    8. CONSORTIA - If True consortia tenant should be added to CONSORTIA - If True consortia modules are added to the UI bundle
    9. LINKED_DATA - If True linked-data modules are added to the UI bundle
  5. Click Build button
  6. Wait for completion


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