Manually create the "Remote Non-circulating" patron group (with an expiration date).
Ensure that the "Home" address type exists in the FOLIO settings.
1. Create a new
patron record
based on preregistration data
Log in to the test environment using the uat-admin credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
In the User search results pane, select Action > Search patron preregistration records.
Search for the patron preregistration record using the “*“ symbol
Note: the search can be performed with any of the following search criteria: First name, Last name. Preferred first name, Middle name, email, combination of First name + Last name, combination of Preferred name + Last name, wildcard search (e.g., “*”).
In Patron registration record results list, click the New button for any of the preregistration records.
Note: The system checks if the patron's email already exists in user records. If no duplicates are found, a new user record is created using the preregistration data.
Expected Result: A new patron record is created.
Verify the newly created patron record:
Ensure the record contains the following data from the preregistration record:
First name
Last name
Middle name (if present)
Preferred first name (if present)
Email address
Phone number
Mobile phone number (if present)
Address (mapped as follows):
Primary address = true,
Address type = Home,
Address line 1,
Address line 2,
Email communication preferences (if present)
Ensure the record includes patron details generated by FOLIO:
Patron group: "Remote Non-circulating", with an expiration date length of 2 years.
Status: Active.
Enrolled Date: Date of preregistration form submission
External system ID: patron email
User type: Patron
Permissions: no default permissions
In the preregistration records (Action > Search patron preregistration records), search for the newly created user record’s preregistration details.
Expected Result: The preregistration record for the newly created user is removed and no longer available in the search results.
Update an existing patron record with preregistration patron details
Precondition: One or more patron records with the same email address as the preregistration record exist in the system.