- Jacob is planning to visit Texas A&M the week of Nov. 7 to conduct interviews
- He is aiming to talk with faculty, students, ERM librarians, and scholarly communications librarians
- Jacob and Paula will coordinate the visit
**Please note special time at 7:30 CT/8:30 ET/2:30 Denmark** The regular meetings for Oct. 14 and Oct. 21 have been canceled.
- FOLIOForum online focus groups
- Jacob out of town last week, will do focus groups at a later date, to work with Facilitators group on setting definite time frame. Jacob continuing to look at white boarding tool.
- In-person meeting
- Filip will be joining RM group to help move from abstract to more concrete proposals. Want to take into account bigger picture and more concrete.
- Who should be coming from Index Data? Marc Johnson from K-Int. Is Index Data ready to move forward?
- Who from EBSCO should be here? - Jacob will reach out.
- Current functional specialists to attend: Kim Maxwell, Eric Hartnett, Kristen Wilson, Kristin Martin
- Kim will send hotel information
- Jacob and Filip will put forward an agenda. To be discussed Oct. 28.
- What of the big picture is relevant to us? What decisions do we need to make?
- e.g., Community Zone in Alma - can we do something similar? can we do something more open? what are our assumptions?
- How do we manage and include linked data within FOLIO?
- Scan of products out there
- 1Science: search metadata to find Green/Gold OA articles
- TIND: ERM and data model branched off from OLE work
- GOKb: what worked and what are the challenges?
- What types of data should we be managing beyond monographs, databases, and journals?
- What kind of outcome does Index Data need to begin coding? - Filip can draw up concrete prototypes.
- How can work done by German consortia help inform our discussion?
- Kinds of issues: usage statistics support
- In-person interviews with both researchers and librarians
- Talk to Alma and OCLC Worldshare users
- Talk to Mendeley and ReadCube users
- Jacob sent list of interview questions. Bruce Herbert at TAMU will set up date for interviews. Looking at Nov. 7-11. Monday-Tuesday with researchers, Wednesday with Scholarly Communications, Thursday with RM.
Should Resource Management be split into two groups? Filip lead the concrete part. Jacob lead the bigger thoughts. Could Paula serve on both groups? Concrete steps need to be related to big picture issues.
New group at MIT reviewing different LMS/ILS/LSPs. FOLIO is one of several systems
Action items:
- Jacob will reach out to EBSCO to see about representative for in-person meeting.
- Kim will send out hotel information.
- Jacob and Filip will come up with preliminary agenda for discussion on Oct. 28.
- May want to invite someone from Cornell, depending on agenda
- Paula will coordinate interviews the week of Nov. 7 at TAMU.
- All: review the HBZ/GBV Requirements Catalog 3.3: Acquisitions and Selection: https://www.ole-germany.org/display/OLE/b.+Erarbeitete+Anforderungskataloge
- What is foundational? What should we work on first?
- Are there other requirements that we would need?