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5 minutesWelcome new members


  • Hangzhou Metadata Technology Company Limited: Fang Xuguang - slides
  • LMU Munich: Julie Bickle - slides
2 MinutesPC Liason

We need to select an official Liaison to the Product Council - any volunteers? Of course any of us can attend the PC (and TC and other SIG) meetings. The Liaison would be the official channel for PC to make requests of CC and determine who will update the PC of CC's business/activities periodically. 

  • Kirstin volunteers as PC liaison
  • Harry volunteers as PC liaison backup
30 minutesRoadmap UpdateFor PC Roadmap Group: Tod Olson

Presentation and questions for Community Council

  • Ideas, Concerns and feedback from CC to the Roadmap process / results?
  • What is the long-term goal of the RP process?
    • Granularity
    • Prioritization
    • Feature level → no details in RP
    • cross-app consequences and follow-up requirements
    • Focus on data import in the next releases: import performance and scope
    • Time  table for RP?  Open for feedback?
      • no time table rigth now - but maybe end of September
      • quarterly would be sufficient
      • iterations, regular changes
      • take dependencies into account: infrastructure level, data update in different modules
  • Ian Walls: I would advocate for a focus on building the necessary infrastructure/modularity for the Extended Apps ecosystem to manifest.  This would remove several major bottlenecks in FOLIO development. If we make it easier for institutions to build their own modules to solve their own needs, we will increase capacity by tapping into local dev resources that cannot necessarily be added to the Project's pool

    • Keven: @Ian That’s just what we in Chinese community would like to do. We may have lots of special needs which very hard to include in the FOLIO framework. We have to find a way to squeeze in under the FOLIO umbrella
  • Mike: Are there any specific questions to the CC?
    • Tod: not yet 
    • More feedback?
      • Tom: Has there been some guidance in regard how to pick features? Features in ways of "quality assurance", "new features", "infrastructure"?
        • Capacity planning, TC, PC work
        • How to solve competing needs?
        • How to make life for develeopers easier? Questions of architecture?
          • How is this sorted out?
    • Task for CC: balance the needs and resources on a regular base - high level above PC/TC/Cap. Plan.
      • Have regular extensive updates from the RP group
    • High-level initiatives and strategic objectives →  CC
  • Action item:   target - having a first "new" roadmap at the end of September  and come back!
20 minutesNew member subgroup questions

Action item: volunteers for both groups

1. Discuss forming a team that can reach out to networks and libraries to ask what would make membership worthwhile to them.

  • librarians, network people : (Kirstin), Simeon

2. Start a discussion with library IT to build a list of concerns and needs that FOLIO must support for approval and adoption.

  • Technical people:  Ian, Mike G. volunteered

We need more talking points, discussion items!

5 minutesUpdatesTeam

Please add your subgroup/other updates ahead of time if possible:

Treasurer / Paula: 

  • Still don't have a credit card so OLF still paying bills, will reconcile soon
  • Only raised ~$36,000 for developer costs, needed $138,000
  • About half of our institutions have paid membership fees - will start contacting the "overdue" members this week
  • AWS bill ~$3,000 more per month than estimated, EBSCO money for AWS still going to OLF, another thing to reconcile
  • With the money we have on hand, will run out in Oct/Nov
  • Bank account looks flush, but we're holding money that belongs elsewhere (need to transfer hbz money to Duke for developer cost, need to transfer Leipzig money to OLF for Documentation cost, have received money from Google for two Season of Docs writers)
  • Questions
    • Do we need to watch our AWS costs carefully?
      • TC needs to manage that budget  - Peter Murray manages the details - will control the jump of this month - cost increases based on hosted developers environments
      • FOLIO snapshot, stable, testing ...
      • Ian Walls: making FOLIO easier for institutions to install locally would reduce the need for all these AWS costs falling on the FOLIO SMLLC (just saying).  This would also help spur innovation, along with the Extended App ecosystem
    • What can the CC do for support?
      • Developers (2 FTE's) are save until December 2021, maybe longer!
      • FOLIO wants to extend them!  How can we make that happen?
      • CC members can view the list of paid & not paid institutions in the CC MOU Folder



