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Because the topical area covered by Resource Management is so large, work is divided into separate SIGs. There are three main SIGs that are currently active:

Acquisitions SIG

The Acquisitions Subgroup is charged with working with developers to develop, refine, and review the acquisitions functionality and user experience. Members, generally acquisitions specialists, commit to regular meeting attendance, and to work on projects and tasks outside of meeting times that contribute to the requirements definitions, refinement, user experience improvements and testing. Members are expected to stay current with pertinent topics in order to keep discussions moving forward. Meeting notes are available on the wiki. 


Product Owner: @Dennis Bridges


The ERM Group is charged with working with developers to develop, refine, and review functionality needed to support the management of library electronic resources. This includes Agreements, Licenses, and eResources. Members, generally e-resource management specialists, commit to regular meeting attendance, and to work on projects and tasks outside of meeting times that contribute to the requirements definitions, refinement, user experience improvements and testing. There will also be regular meeting time devoted to implementation topics raised by the members. Members are expected to stay current with pertinent topics in order to keep discussions moving forward. Meeting notes are available on the wiki. 


Product Owner: Owen Stephens

Role of the Resource Management SIG

The RM SIG will meet on a regular basis to further refine and discuss topics around acquiring and managing materials, FOLIO project level communications and considerations, and interactions of RM apps with other apps across FOLIO (e.g., data import). Work from the subgroups will be shared with the whole SIG, and may be further developed. For example, topics may be discussed in the subgroups that are specific pieces of functionality, whereas the fuller workflow will be discussed with the full RM SIG. Members should have knowledge in the resource management domain and commit to providing feedback and contributing to discussion within the SIG meetings. There will also be regular meeting time devoted to implementation topics raised by the members. There will be opportunities to engage in special subgroups, perform user acceptance and regression testing, and participate in the general working of the SIG.

Convener: Kristin Martin


Open Access SIG

Management of Gold and Transformative Open Access agreements, and the related recording, verification and funding of OA publications.

Convener: Björn Muschall

Product Owner: Owen Stephens

What groups should I join?


Friday 8:30resource

Group Name

Meeting times

Slack Channel

Acquisitions SubgroupSIG

Tuesday 1-2 PM Eastern 

Thursday 1-2 PM Eastern 


ERM SubgroupEvery other Friday 9-10 AM Eastern



Wednesday 8-9 AM

erm-teamResource Management

OA SIGThursday 9-10 AM Easternopen-access-management

Other groups may be formed on a temporary basis to address specific needs. Members from the RM SIG other SIGs may be recruited to serve on these temporary groups, for example the e-usage group

Agendas for the RM SIG and subgroups meetings will be shared via the Slack channels and the wiki on Slack in advance of the meetingswhenever possible.