Announcements/Updates Product Council minutes 2021-06-10 - Bibliographic data flow task force
| Kristin Martin | - Peter Murray needs vounteers
- there are still some data integrity issues
- there is a WG starting to deal with SRS and data integrity
- Question from chat (Is there a clear understanding of what data integrity means in this context?)
- Profiles doing things that they are not clearly documented as updating (MARC, Instance, etc)
- Issues for 'source of truth' is also becoming an issue
- Also, Quickmarc is editing automatically 006 sans notification
- How is this playing out with implementers (who have already implemented)?
- there is a fix, requires a report
- field protection was put into MARC update, but that same field protection is not working when updating Instances
- from chat (Thanks Kristin. I think it’s important we don’t lose sight of what I think of data integrity between Folio apps - i.e. issues like changes to instances in Inventory doesn’t update information in Orders (or whatever) which I think is probably more relevant to RM)
- from chat (I may need to start using more explicit terminology to avoid confusion about the term “data integrity”!)
- 11:15 EST (Friday, June 11), app interaction meeting info: Join Zoom Meeting / Meeting ID: 869 183 544
- Skidmore is now live
Acquisitions Updates - Demo/discussion of receiving changes that include the addition of holdingsID (now for R3)
- Import functionality is also R3
| Dennis Bridges | - all these changes pushed to R3
- ref: UXPROD1925
- all these things are currently in a FORK, in the thunderjet environment, to keep issues from having in the master code branch
- ORDERS interactions, here, are connecting things to holdings
- holding links are connected to the POL
- order data is being retrieved when loading the holdings
- when a holdings change is required, that change would affect the order record too? or no?
- the connection