See the questions in the left column:
- Dennis Bridges:
- It was noted that much of the work in the spreadsheet is now in Jira
- orange columns:
- items declared important by numerous institutions
- What needs to be done with information from the report
- Dennis suggested that the information there would not need to be seen in-app (and that filtering information in the interface was important)
- Sharon asked about that data to export a csv document
- ref #UXPROD 2665
- selecting which exports needed from the list?
- How do we standardize the select option across apps?
- Dennis asks: How does it perform?
- Owen suggested a ceiling may be needed to restrict exports since the exports are not working that great
- mention of asynchronous report output
- or looking at an app that describes status of a job at the same point of which a file could be downloaded
- Talking about agreements as part of this issue
- With orders, a job system standardized across all apps would be very useful (made mention from a person from Mt Holy Oke)
- Dennis: how to increase performance of export to csv (output later, or use some interface to grab a report)
- acknowledges that this report is not immediate (some delay)
- Notes a problem of limits on POs
- Dennis says that POL would need to come out
- Suggests rolling totals inside of FOLIO would be more performant (if filtering is used) if needed in real time
- Question asked in the chat by Scott Perry"Couldn’t there be an option to export in CSV the displayed results. For example, I don’t usually need the whole fund record, but would often want to see the list of all funds and balances. Or for POs, I might just need a list of PO numbers for a particular vendor, etc. "
- Dennis suggests an export could be used to share all order data
- Sara Colglazier asking about the point between quick reporting for general monies and then specifics needed to communicate with vendors about possible cuts or something as needed (high importance for this situation)
- Dennis wants to clarify what can be looked in in the system and what data would actually need to be exported in a form that can be shared with someone, like a vendor and that data may need some mediation to make it more easily readable by an outside party
- Sara Colglazier then the vendor comes back with comments on things they received
- Dennis asks if others would need this same functionality?