This ECS circulation functionality test focuses on item level requests. This functionality includes the ability to create, view, edit, reorder and cancel item level requests. The goal of this test is to verify that ECS item level request functionality works as expected.
Testing will take place ?November 4 through 8, 2024. Please have the form submitted by the end of the day on November 8.
Test environment: https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/ Please note that the testing environment is available between a.m. and p.m. ET.
Test credentials: r1/Test1313#; r2/Test1313#; r3/Test1313#; r4/Test1313#
Jira feature:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yjb6UNN98USePxvzmjljpbWpBkkJIJpNoDzwPZWpcR1UQ1NCTzVWN1NYOENHSTROSUUySktaRkU2Ui4u
1. Create an Item level request