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Table of Contents
Elasticsearch is implemented in Inventory.


Search and



In Inventory, we have implemented a button group to toggle between searching on the instance, holdings, or item level.

Search and filter options can be combined.

Search in the Instance segment supports search on bibliographic data.

Search in the Holdings and Item segments are a combination of key data from the Instance record, combined with holdings and item specific data elements. 

Search / filter options in Nolana


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Search / filter options in





Search options


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Filter options


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Search and filter options can be combined.

When searching in a filter, the facets will be populated while typing (search ahead functionality):


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Query Search using CQL (Instance, Holdings, Item segment)


Examples (work in progress) -




Electronic Access (all)

Example: electronicAccess any "resource"

Electronic Access (all)

Example: holdings.electronicAccess any "resource"

Electronic Access (all)

Example:  items.electronicAccess any "resource"

Electronic Access - URI

Example: electronicAccess.uri="*"

Electronic Access - URI

Example: holdings.electronicAccess.uri="*"

Example in Bugfest Lotus: holdings.electronicAccess.uri="*"

Electronic Access - URI

Example: items.electronicAccess.uri="*"

Example in Bugfest Lotus:


Electronic Access - Public Note

Example: electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book"

Electronic Access - Public Note

Example:  holdings.electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book"

Electronic Access - Public Note

Example: items.electronicAccess.publicNote="a rare book"

Electronic Access - Link Text

Example: electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website"

Electronic Access - Link Text

Example: holdings.electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website"

Electronic Access - Link Text

Example: items.electronicAccess.linkText="Folio website"

Public notes

Example: publicNotes all "public note"

Public notes

Example: holdingPublicNotes all "public note"

Public notes

Example: itemPublicNotes all "public note"

Holdings notes

Example: holdings.notes.note all "librarian note"

Circulation notes (all)

Example: items.circulationNotes.note all "circulation note"


Example: id=="1234567"

All call number data elements

Example: holdingsFullCallNumbers="cn*434"

All call number data elements

Example: itemsFullCallNumbers="cn*434"

Alternative Titles

Example: alternativeTitles.alternativeTitle all semantic web

All holdings identifiers

Example: holdingIdentifiers = 1234

Normalized call number:

Example: itemsNormalizedCallNumbers="cn434"

Uniform Title

Example: uniformTitle all semantic web

Item UUID:

Example:  itemIdentifiers all "81ae0f60-f2bc-450c-84c8-5a21096daed9"


Example: series all Cooperative information systems


Example: publisher all MIT

Classification Number

Example: classifications.classificationNumber==025.04

Using boolean operators in Query Search (AND, OR, NOT)

In the UI when using the search option Query search you can combine searches using the boolean operatorWhen using Query Search, you can combine search terms with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

You can also search on e.g. multiple ISBNs; e.g. Query search: isbn=9781893354500 OR isbn=9780814744062 OR isbn=9780874629163 in Bugfest Lotus:[…]R%20isbn%3D9780874629163&segment=instances&sort=title

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Query search do also support supports search on primary contributors; e.g. Query search:  contributors all "John" and contributors.primary==true in Bugfest Lotus:

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Using Filter/Facets


With elasticSearch, we can search across all three record types (instance, holdings, item) on values in any property. This is disabled by default, and must be turned on by your hosting provider or systems administrator.

Note that because this is disabled by default, it is not enabled on any of the reference environments.

Example: cql.all all "web semantic"


Search by all field values in the instance 

Example: cql.allInstances any "1234567"

Search by all field values in the holdings

Example:  cql.allHoldings all "ho001"

Search by all field values in the item

Example: cql.allItems all "book"

Advanced search (pending development)
