- Add all action items from WOLFcon to this list Jesse Koennecke
- set up a small team to update the MVP paper
- recommend and approve changes to MVP paper
- On-boarding - Put together clear criteria for participation, e.g. at least a 0.5 FTE, work yourself through github developer starting process, etc ... described transparent and accessible. Post Guidelines for developers and institutions (who want to send resources)
- Review community testing process - identify if more testers/test writers needed
- Identify key areas to work in small groups with all parties and bring back the issues to PC?
- Define a process to address certain questions, that occur and let that be done in a small group to deal with it and bring back
- Change our approach to PC meetings first raise the areas of development need (for example: core platform testing) and what can PC do to make sure our institutional resources are directed to this need
- Have different Types of PC meetings - Tactical and strategic
- Clarify the roles of PC Exec group
- Define schedule to Invite the right people at the right time, e.g. Anton (testing), Mike G. (TC), SIG’s (revisit model of liaisons), PO’s, Capacity planning group, more ?
- SIG reports need to the PC be more strategic; Action oriented reports and follow up, e.g. questions about data security (guidelines)
- Decision about how many versions of the software needs to be / will be supported
- Make suggestions regarding platform support/end of life matrix
- Set community standards, how long SIGs continue, etc...
- Convener group will propose a SIG leadership/membership model. Consider: leadership succession/terms, job descriptions for leaders/members, taking into account what works and what doesn’t, keep flexibility for SIGs to govern themselves, define relationship with POs if possible.
- Security Audit results - Jakub
- Cross-App - Kirstin
- Go live planning for Q2 - Harry/Mike
- Q2 Capacity Planning update -
- Introduce Technical Editor