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This decision was migrated from the Tech Leads Decision Log as part of a consolidation process. The original decision record can be found here.
- Front-end and back-end devs who meet issues with data consistenc
This is a solution design document aimed to provide details, alternatives and decision for FOLIO cross-module data consistency problem.
- PRIORITY 1 eventual consistency for redundant / duplicated data when some data is duplicated in 2 storages and is to be synchronized,
- PRIORITY 2 consistency for dangling / lost references when an item is deleted from one module leaving lost references to it in other modules, a problem that is succinctly, if frustratingly, captured in the PR discussion related to UITEN-128.
- PRIORITY 3 data consistency during distributed business operations when data in several separate storages is to be modified (mod-finance-storage, mod-invoice-storage, mod-orders-storage),
- updates collisions ... (check with Jacub? )
Eventual consistency for duplicated data
Brief context: a source module owns an entity; a particular entity field is duplicated into 1+ entities of another module (e.g., for search, or filtering, or sorting). If an original field value in source module is changed, the change is to be replicated everywhere.
Identified cases:
- Pair of RefNumber and RefType should be in consistence state between POL and invoice line MODORDERS-421 - Spike : User should be able to edit Pair of "refNumber" and "refNumberType" in the POL and see that update on the Invoice line OPEN
- mod-orders → mod-invoice
- 1-to-1 relation - one pair of refNumber/refNumberType to one invoice record ( - not sure, need to confirm)
- VendorCode should be in consistence state between Organization record and purchaseOrder.vendorCodeMODORDERS-398 - Data consistency needed : Update "vendorCode" in related purchase orders BLOCKED
- mod-organizations → mod-orders
- 1-to-many relation - one vendor code can be used in many orders
- FundCode should be in consistence state between Fund record and pol.fundDistribution.code
- mod-finance → mod-orders
- 1-to-many relation - one fund code can be used in many orders
- Pros
- N/A
- Cons
- N/A
Other Related Resources
On distributed updates and eventual consistency
2021-05-12 Meeting notes - there was a lot of discussion on related issues
Meetings notes