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Comment: Split check-out performance proposals



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Time permittingCheck-out Performance 

Follow-up from last week... 

Proposal from Marc Johnson: from Julian Ladisch:

Marc Johnson was asked to make a proposal for checking out performance; draft document is available by the first link above. Feedback is appreciated

There's a link to PTF analysis from the first mentioned doc

Check-out Performance 

Counter-proposal from Julian Ladisch:

The Capacity Planning Team has determined that we should proceed with the caching approach. The feature UXPROD-3317 "Improve checkout performance by caching data" and 19 stories with priority P1 (linked from the UXPROD-3317 feature) have been created.

Time permittingCouncil Goals/ObjectivesAll

Follow-up from last week... 

Previous notes:

From Mike Gorrell:

I have created a clean copy of what the Community Council created to identify which FOLIO Goals/Objectives were under the purview of the CC. We also took a stab at what thought would be handled by PC or TC. Please feel free to give us feedback/etc. and use for your planning purposes.

The goal here is to introduce this and get eyes on it.

Time permitting

Technical Decision Making Process


This is a carry-over from several weeks ago.  It was a tangent of the conversation that started to delve into topics of:

  • The tech leads group not being a decision making body
  • Whether it's realistic and/or desirable for the TC to make every technical decision
    • There was some overlap here with the external code submission topic

Related - in the wake of last week's slack vote:

  • Revisit voting rules... simple vs super majority, voting via slack, abstentions, quorum, etc.

NOTE: We need to frame this conversation and agree upon what we're trying to accomplish and how much time we want to dedicate to it before diving in.

Time permittingExternal Code Submissions
  • Ongoing work on Acceptance Criteria and Processes (submission, evaluation, etc.)
    • Has the Acceptance Criteria v1.0 been published somewhere yet?  What about references/links in other places.
    • Agree on short and long term goals 
      • Define processes for submission, evaluation, review, feedback, acceptance
      • Improve the AC with more verifiable criteria, links to supporting documentation, etc.

Time permittingExtended Apps / App StoreAllThe idea of having a bare-bones/minimal platform defined, which could run on it's own and optionally augmented by installing apps has recently been come up frequently.  The notion of having a FOLIO app store has been around since the start of the project, but nothing has ever come of it.  The TC may want consider finding a champion and forming a subgroup to define a proposal for how we get there.  

Time permitting

TC charter review

