Late in 2018 EBSCO sponsored an assessment of FOLIO by Open Tech Strategies (OTS). OTS was asked to answer one central question: "how ready is FOLIO for multi-tenancy hosting production?" They spoke to several members of the Core team and the FOLIO Community, downloaded code, stood up FOLIO instances, reviewed GitHub activity, and evaluated the code, processes and community activity to create their report.
The report is 36 pages including appendices.
OTS has experience with other open source projects and has approached this engagement as technologists as well as observers of open source communities. They applied both of these perspectives to their analysis and findings. FOLIO is a complex project both technically and socially. As a result, the OTS report required some validation, vetting and review so that its findings and recommendations could be put into context. This page represents the Tech Council's evaluation and eventual recommendations based on the OTS report.
The OTS Findings
The report is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WN757TCn0TsgzRC1LIkmOfXwW1EelmHq
The executive summary asserts "For all that this document reads like a list of complaints and deficiencies we were impressed at where FOLIO is at this stage in its lifecycle... FOLIO is at a healthy place on the maturity curve." OTS further states: