- Maura Byrne
- Uschi Klute Klute
- Philip Robinson
- Jana Freytag
- Michelle Suranofsky
- Nancy Burford
- Kelly Drake
- Thomas PaigeStefanie Sußmann
- Edd Merkel
Notetaker: ???
- We will wrap up the discussion about statistical fields: https://discuss.folio.org/t/additional-fields-vs-custom-fields-for-statistical-fields-and-codes/
- How are statistical fields tracked and audited?
- Would the existing Statistical Fields structure coded into the Inventory module work for any of us?
- What kind of statistics do we all need to keep? Would it make sense to have a communal solution for those statistics that we all keep?
- Patty can give us an update on things she has been working on, such as
- UXPROD-1295 - Users App: Add additional fields to user records,
- UIU-1255 - Changing user status to inactive requires expiration date change but no error message appears to tell you that
- And any other things she’s been doing.
- We should discuss Patron Notes.