Report from meeting Feb., 13, 2023 (next meeting on Feb 27,2023)
- Treasurer's update: the community can't continue to fund the last OLF based developer - contract will run out end of FY. Decision with great regrets.
- Council election committee was formed: Boaz Nadav Manes , Marko Knepper , Hkaplanian
- Agreement on results from silde deck of resourcing group: Tom Cramer will initiate next steps
- Discuss was shut down on Feb. 14, 2023
- Proposed change to FOLIO Governance Model
- Agreement that with the additional specification that the appropriate council determines how to implement "random" the change was accepted about what will happen in case of an election tie
- The FOLIO documentation
had a copyright "© 2023 Open Library Foundation All Rights Reserved". The decision was made and pull request formed to change this to "© 2023 Open Library Foundation. This work is licensed under a
"CC-BY" license (under the FOLIO SMLLC? Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License || Privacy Policy" ( Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | DOCS-295 |
- New effort to bring forward "FOLIO Marketing": Boaz Nadav Manes will write up a proposal for next time to summarize the existing initiatives and propose next steps
Addon: Technical Editor funding initiative was finally a success. Marcia can continue for 4 month to work with the group and Paul Kloppenborg