Report Date | Overall Status Update | Q1 Feature Count on Report Date |
| Functional | NFR |
2019-09-10 | Jakub Skoczen - Sprint 71
- Platform Q3.2 updates (dev):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1820 |
| RMB 27, more releases last sprint, new features completed and more in progress Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-385 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-457 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-468 |
| potential solution for the following perf issues:
- Chalmers-related issues:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | CIRC-447 |
| solution for Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UIREQ-335 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | OKAPI-759 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | OKAPI-760 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODUSERS-147 |
| brought up today by Cate, to be discussed at Platform's standup Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UICHKIN-111 |
| perf-related, no longer assigned to anyone since beginning of the week, discussed with Cate today and it will be brought up at the Platform stand-up (backend portion of the problem may be addressed)
- Platform Q3.2 updates (devops):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1827 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2011 |
| has been completed, test PR available at Remaining FOLIO-1827 blockers:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2056 |
| , which is blocked on: Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2249 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2227 |
- Q3.2 (Daisy) release:
Cate Boerema (Deactivated) - Module release deadline for Q3.2 (Daisy) is end of day today
- Many PRs for circulation (mod-circulation) came in about a week before the deadline and Marc Johnson asked for priorities, as it didn't seem they would all be able to be reviewed in time. POs prioritized features affecting Chalmers.
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-09-10) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-09-10) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-08-27 | Jakub Skoczen - Sprint 71
- Platform Q3.2 updates (dev):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1820 |
| RMB 27 initial release performed last week, includes clean-up and bugfixes for RMB26 series, new functionality: Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-459 |
| which (once RMB27 is rolled out to storage modules, see Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODUSERS-142 |
| and Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-342 |
| ) will address Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2102 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-452 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-451 |
- Many other fixes, full list here:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = RMB AND fixVersion = 27.0.0 |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
- tickets that are in the pipeline for the next RMB27.x releases:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-454 |
RMB26 regression, not critical for existing functionality Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-385 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-457 |
helper utility to address remaining performance problems: Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-256 |
| and Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-336 |
- Platform Q3.2 updates (devops):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1827 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2011 |
is finally in the sprint, the plan is to rollout PR preview functionality to "platform-core" this sprint. It will work on top of the new FOLIO K8s-based CI cluster but initially will include several limitations, e.g no ability to user "feature branch builds". This ability will be developed in the coming weeks and the architecture for it has been agreed last week (see Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2227 |
| )- Remaining FOLIO-2011 blockers:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2194 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2056 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2217 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1815 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2169 |
- Scaling FOLIO development process:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2214 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2207 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2208 |
- Q3/Q4 platform features in DRAFT (requirements and design):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1928 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1826 |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-08-27) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-08-27) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-08-13 | | Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-08-13) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-08-13) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-08-06 | | Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-08-06) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-30) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-07-30 | Cate Boerema (Deactivated) - Module release deadline for the Q3.1 release was last Wednesday
- It was close, but we managed to close all bugs and must-fix stories in time (see dashboard). There is one open bug for UNAM - I will follow up with Holly on that.
- There is some spillover on
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1653 |
| which has proved a very complex feature to develop- Must fix for Q3.2:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | CIRCSTORE-142 |
| (I would caution Chalmers against using this feature until these bugs have been addressed) - Nice to have:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UIREQ-294 |
- General UI performance issues (
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | STCON-85 |
| ) were significantly improved but not completely alleviated. Per Michal, "there is nothing else we can do about this. I feel like we did everything possible given our current architecture (stripes-connect, redux-form). In order to improve it we would have to restructure things significantly (replace redux-form and switch to GraphQL)." Status on that initiative?
- Cap planning and MVP
- Cap plan will be updated this evening and so POs are being asked to do any last rankings (there are still some who haven't done the assignment - see unranked features)
- Cap planning team needs to assemble proposal for PC by Aug 8th
- Discussion tomorrow with cap plan group, Charlotte and select MM SMEs on how we can best evaluate what Inventory features are must have for MVP
- Jump in functional features targeted for Q3 (see stats on right - we are now targeting 140 functional issues up from 134 two weeks ago) is, in part, due to POs breaking down their features so they can be better ranked. After evaluation, some may be removed from Q3
Jakub Skoczen - Started sprint 69
- Platform Q3.1 updates:
- General platform bugfixes for Q3.1:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-319 |
| regression when new style array search is mixed with a filter that requires a DB view (e.g location search), resolved. Issues like this will be addressed wholesale when RMB-395 is completed. Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-432 |
| and Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-438 |
| , which block many UI issues, serious but not critical for Q3.1, related to searching terms that include punctuation like apostrophes and hyphens. While RMB-438 would address also Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UIREQ-295 |
| / Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | CIRCSTORE-138 |
| we decided to expedite a fix for this issue through Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-439 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2102 |
UXPROD-1818 - RMB 26 release features and core module rollout (performance, array search and cross-table search) IN PROGRESS
- released RMB 26.2.4 (MODINVSTOR-319) and rolled it out to mod-inv-storage (to be released today), RMB 26.2.3 (CIRCSTORE-138) rolled out to mod-circulation-storage (released) and RMB 26.2.2 rolled out to mod-users (released)
- Continued focus on performance testing and tuning:
- Overall perf results look very good (here) and the new early warning system for missing indexes is extremely useful for catching potential perf issues before they manifest on a system with large data sets, all warnings seen for Q3.1 have been addressed through
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2176 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-395 |
| is developed to address two remaining perf test issues: Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-256 |
| and Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODINVSTOR-292 |
UXPROD-1827 - CI-integrated continuous deployment (Q3, FOLIO setup) IN PROGRESS
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2183 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2187 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2194 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2056 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2195 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2131 |
- Platform Q3.2 work:
UXPROD-1815 - support for upgrading schemas without complete reload of data (DB migrations)IN PROGRESS FOLIO-2169 - SPIKE investigate schema migrations in platform-core storage modules IN PROGRESS roughly specced out the requirements and scope, Taras has begun work on the SPIKE in Sprint 68
- Q3.2 Release Management:
- Scaling FOLIO development process:
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-30) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-30) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-07-16 | Jakub Skoczen - Started sprint 68
- Platform Q3.1 updates:
- General platform bugfixes critical for Q3.1:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODAT-47 |
| which addresses the problem reported in Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | CIRC-379 |
| a Pull Request is ready but requires refactoring
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1818 |
- Most UI bugs resolved (confirmed) or reassigned to front-end developers (Core: functional), one remaining:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-432 |
- Continued focus on performance testing and tuning:
FOLIO-2143 uncovered some performance issues which have been addressed in Sprint 67 Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-429 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-417 |
- and some bugs that are being addressed this sprint:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-430 |
- Overall perf results look very good and the new WARNING system for missing indexes is extremely useful for providing new performance optimizations
- New feature development for:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | RMB-395 |
| likely shipped in RMB 27 to address the remaining perf issues (item.barcode and holdings.location search)
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1827 |
- AWS/EKS cluster set up tasks completed (including ingress and Ansible roles)
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2055 |
| to be completed this week- Added several SPIKEs this sprint for remaining issues:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2131 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2130 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2089 |
- Platform Q3.2 work already begun:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-1815 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | FOLIO-2169 |
| roughly specced out the requirements and scope, Taras has begun work on the SPIKE in Sprint 68
- Q3.2 Release Management:
- The “Modules and version” release planning spreadsheet for Q3.1 is ready:
- As usual, lead maintainers will update the “Release Version” and “Interface Required/Provided” columns. If there is a bugfix release for Q3.1 (released past the module release deadline) they will also update the “Bugfix release version” column.
- Q3.1 module release deadline is July 24th, midnight GMT
- Q3.1 module bugfix release deadline is August 8th, midnight GMT
- Scaling FOLIO development process:
Cate Boerema (Deactivated) - Q3.1 must-fix bugs and features are moving along. Key updates:
- Bugs:
- Critical performance bug is making large parts of FOLIO nearly unusable (Users, Inventory etc):
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | STCON-85 |
| Michal has a fix in code review, but it's complex and his first PR had to be reworked - Stripes issue causing many search bugs in Inventory is In review:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | STSMACOM-229 |
| This fix should significantly improve searching experience in Inventory - I just noticed this bug on the dashboard (it wasn't assigned a development team). We need to get this assigned to a team with backend capacity:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | CIRC-390 |
- Features:
- Moving requests from one item to another - All major stories have been completed but a couple have been re-opened due to failed scenarios. Still tracking for completion by next Wed (module release deadline)
- Title level and item level requests - Magda and team working through last issues now that they have integration environment working
- SIP2 - Magda and team working on PIN verification
- Beyond Q3.1 for Core Functional
- Inventory notes feature completed
- Lots of new controlled vocabularies added for instance record
- Charlotte readying additional stories for development
- Also prioritizing wrapping up wiring in of loan policy settings around hold requests
- Permissions
- Have been testing user app permissions and there are issues (lots of permissions give access to more than they should while others are missing things which result in errors when working)
- Have updated the Users app permission tab and discussed with Emma, Holly and Patty
- Need to create a user story for cleanup
- In the meantime, it's really important that we find out what permission sets Chalmers intends to use and make sure they work (Anton is looking into this)
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-16) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-16) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-07-09 | Jakub Skoczen - Mid sprint 67
- Platform Q3.1 updates:
Cate Boerema (Deactivated) - All Core Functional must-haves for 3.1 are In review or In progress:
- Moving requests from one item to another is tracking for completion
- Also making progress on Inventory cleanup (adding controlled vocabularies, notes etc.)
- Fixing some critical Inventory search bugs with lots of help from Core Platform
- Added release notes and stats from Q2: Release Notes
- Capacity planning team working through process for MVP proposal
- Have discussed assignment for POs (will share with them at PO meeting tomorrow)
- Harry has put together a good deck on goals and process
- SIGs continue to do re-ranking - lots of good discussions and many things are being considered lower priority than previously ranked. Ranks are not always being updated in JIRA perhaps due to organizational process delays?
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-09) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-09) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
2019-07-02 | Cate Boerema (Deactivated) - Q2 Clover release live as of yesterday!
- Release notes and statistics will be available by end of week
- Next big release is Q3 Daisy
- Dashboard:
- Team plans are still being worked out, but each team has enough to get started
- Q3 plans may evolve over the course of the quarter as we get the results of the SIG re-ranking exercise and with the capacity planning group's proposed plan for summer 2020
- Next interim release is Q3.1
- This is the release Chalmers will go live on
- Module release deadline is July 24th, release is August 12
- Anton has created a dashboard for bugs and we have extended to include the must-have features for the release, as well. May also include the must-have stories.
- Capacity planning group meeting every couple of days with goal to have a plan for how the release proposal will be made prior to the stakeholder meeting
- SIGs are working with POs to re-rank features. Meetings I have attended so far have been really productive.
- Core functional team:
- Focus on the must-have bugs and features for Q3.1:
- SIP2
- Title level requests
- Move requests from one item to another
- Also working on Inventory cleanup:
- Search bugs and enhancements - Charlotte is coordinating joint SME/Dev discussions on search to help identify the highest impact fixes.
- Completing incomplete features in instance, holding and item
- Niels Erik will be available on Core team full-time in July (apart from planned vacation)
Jakub Skoczen - Starting sprint 67 (first sprint of Q3)!
- Release Management
- Platform Q2.2 summary:
- Platform Q3.1 plans:
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND (labels != NFR OR labels = EMPTY) AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-02) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | project = uxprod AND type = "new feature" AND (resolution not in (duplicate, "Won't Do") OR resolution is EMPTY) AND labels = NFR AND fixVersion was "Q3 2019" ON (2019-07-02) ORDER BY cf[10002] ASC, assignee ASC, summary ASC |
count | true |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
| | | |