Roadmap 2023 →
Lists (released with Poppy) | Workflows (TBD) | Harvester | Service Interaction | Serials Management (released with Quesnelia) | Direct Consortial Borrowing (released with Poppy) | Reading Room (scheduled for Ramsons) |
Pulls together data using query parameters Creates lists across apps and record types Enables work and actions from lists Continuing to grow with new types of data available for querying | Supports creation of workflows from FOLIO UI Supports interaction with active workflows across all FOLIO applications Supports multiple workflow engine provider implementations CBS to FOLIO Inventory Synchronization Supports the data flow from union catalogue to Inventory Integrates with Harvester Admin functionality | Settings app for cross-app module settings Provides number generator functionality | Publication patterns Predictive check-in Claiming | Consortial borrowing option that allows system at one library to directly interact with patron from another library, regardless of LMS | Provides manual review and support for user access to restricted library spaces |
Jesse Koennecke, Convener | Cornell |
Kristin Martin | Chicago |
Charlotte Whitt | Index Data |
Jenn Colt | Cornell |
Debra Howell | Cornell |
Martina Schildt | VZG/GBV |