Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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NOTE: All linked bib fields will have a $0 populated and will be read-only on the UI. A MARC bib field's $0 will serve as a match point. 


1ScenarioOutcome OptionOutcome selectionComments
1Create new MARC bib record via data import app

A. No change. Nothing happens as far as linking.

B.  I expect something else. 

2Create new MARC bib record via single record import functionality 

A. No change. Nothing happens as far as linking.

B. I expect something else. 

3Derive a new MARC bib record via quickMARC from a bib record with linked authorities

A. Allow a user to decide to keep links or remove them ONCE user hits the Derive a new MARC bib record action

B. Always preserve linking

C. Never preserve linking

D. I expect something else. 


A MARC bib field linked to authority records Then user overlays the MARC bib record via single record import 


Update bib record via data import with NO change to the linked bib field

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. No change to authority linked MARC 100 bib field
      1. Indicators
      2. Controlled  values
      3. Uncontrolled values
    2. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file

A. No impact to linking 

B. I expect something else. 


Update bib record via data import with A Change to linked bib field value(s) NOT controlled by authority

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. A linked 700 field has a change to uncontrolled $e. For example update $e from author to $e author $e narrator
    2. No change to controlled values 
    3. No change to indicators  
    4. Assume multiple 700s exist in file 
    5. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file

A. No impact to linking 

B. I expect something else.   


Update bib record via data import With a Change to a linked bib field value Controlled by authority

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    Linked MARC bib 700 field has a
      1. change to
    $a File import has
      1. Linked MARC bib 700 field $a  Angeloo, Maya BUT the MARC bib 700 is linked to authority record 100 $a Angelou, Maya 
      2. Assume multiple 700s exist in file
      3. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file

    Question 1: How common is this scenario? 

    A. Very common

    B. Occasional

    C. Very rarely happens. Definitely edge case.  

    Question 2: What is your preferred outcome for this scenario


    NR (ex. 100): This field does not get updated BUT there is some indication as to why the field was not updated and it can potentially be via

    R: (ex 700 - some of the 700s change) -  

    a.) DI job log report 

    b.) Separate - in-app report 

    The report should include

  3. Instance/HRID with link to the record
  4. Linked MARC field number that was not updated 
  5. Date/time stamp of the update
  6. Reason the Linked MARC field number was not update. 
    • Controlled field value does not match
    • Missing $0 
    • Changed $0 
    • possibly missing $9?
  7. Data import job ID




    Update bib record via data import AND linked bib field has no $0 AND no other changes 

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. Linked MARC 700 bib field does not include $0 in the file.
      2. No other changes made to the linked MARC bib field 


    Update bib record via data import AND linked bib field has no $0 AND changes to uncontrolled values

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. Linked MARC 700 bib field does not include $0 in the file.
      2. Has changes to uncontrolled value(s)


    Update bib record via data import AND linked bib field has no $0 AND changes to controlled values

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. Linked MARC 700 bib field does not include $0 in the file.
      2. Has changes to controlled value(s)


    Update bib record via data import AND Linked bib field has a different $0 value  

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. Linked MARC 700 bib field includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349). No other change made to this MARC bib 700 field
      2. Assume multiple 700s exist in file


    Update bib record via data import AND Linked bib field has a different $0 and change to a controlled value in an import file to be updated. 

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. Linked MARC bib 100 field includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349).
      2. And subfield $d has changed from 1900 - 1998 to 1900 - 2000 

    Update bib record via data import and contains multiple of the same repeatable MARC field AND has several updates 

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
      1. There are several 700 fields that are linked and some of are unlinked. One of the linked 700
        1. Includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349).
      2. Another linked 700 
        1. Has subfield $d has changed from 1900 - 1998 to 1900 - 2000 
      3. A non-linked 700 has a change 

    Question 1: How common is this scenario? 

    A. Very common. We do not maintain $0. 

    B. Occasional

    C. Very rarely happens. We maintain $0. Definitely edge case.  

    Question 2: What is your preferred outcome for this scenario?

    A. Do not update the field. Flag the reason why as this record is controlled by an authority record.  FOLIO provides a report when a user attempts to edit controlled values. (Applies to repeatable fields too) 

    B. Proceed with update. FOLIO provides a report that informs user that  update conflicts with linked authority record. If user edits bib record via quickMARC then system can auto-correct to accurate values when user hits Save. A message/indicator can display for use to unlink authority record or allow for quickMARC to auto-correct. (Applies to repeatable fields too) 

    C. I expect something else 

    Question 1

    Question 2


    Update bib record via data import and contains multiples of the same repeatable MARC field and one of them is linked AND has no $0 

    1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
    2. The import file contains a bib record with
      1. Several MARC bib 700 fields that are linked and some are unlinked. One of the linked MARC bib 700 field has no $0

    Question 1: How common is this scenario? 

    A. Very common. We do not maintain $0. 

    B. Occasional

    C. Very rarely happens. We maintain $0. Definitely edge case.  

    Question 2: What is your preferred outcome for this scenario?

    A. Continue with update. Bib field remains controlled (linked to an authority record). FOLIO provides a report when a linked bib field has a missing $0 value. And when user edits bib record via quickMARC then auto-populate $0 when user hits Save. 

    B. I expect something else 

    Question 1

    Question 2


    14Create new MARC authority record via data import 

    A. No change. Nothing happens as far as linking.

    B. I expect something else. 



    Edit MARC authority (1XX field) records via quickMARC

    1. User accesses MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records
    3. User edits the record's 1XX value from from Twain, Mark to Twain, Marc E. 
    4. User hits Save 
    5. Display a message that informs user of the total number of linked bib records that will be updated
    6. If user proceeds with update then bib records will be updated in a separate process. 
    7. The Outcome options columns has several questions.  

    Question 1. If we cannot guarantee real-time updates of linked bib records (due to number of records to update) what is the MOST tolerable amount of time to wait for linked bib updates to complete that do not impact your workflows.   

    A. 30 minutes 

    B. 60 minutes

    C. 8 hours

    D. 12 hours

    E. 24 hours

    F. I want to schedule when these updates happen

    G. I expect something else

    Question 2. How should FOLIO communicate the state of updating linking MARC bib records?

    A. Dashboard/widget

    B. In-app report 

    C. Job logs list similar to data import (UX) - (username: folio / password: folio) 

    D. I expect something else

    Question 1

    Question 2



    Edit MARC authority (NOT 010 $a or 1XX field) field via quickMARC 

    1. User accesses MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records
    3. User edits the record's 4XX value  
    4. User hits Save 

    A. No impact to any bib records linked to the authority record 

    B. I expect something else



    Edit MARC authority (1XX field) records via data import 

    1. User imports a MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records
    3. Import includes an update to the record's 100 $a value from Twain, Mark to Twain, Marc E. 

    Question 1. If we cannot guarantee real-time updates of linked bib records (due to number of records to update) what is the MOST tolerable amount of time to wait for linked bib updates to complete that do not impact your workflows.   

    A. 30 minutes 

    B. 60 minutes

    C. 8 hours

    D. 12 hours

    E. 24 hours

    F. I want to schedule when these updates happen

    G. I expect something else

    Question 2. How should FOLIO communicate the state of updating linking MARC bib records?

    A. Dashboard/widget

    B. In-app report 

    C. Job logs list similar to data import (UX) - (username: folio / password: folio) 

    D. Add an indication of the status of updating bib records on the Data import job list?

    E. I expect something else



    Edit MARC authority (010 $a field) records via data import 

    1. User imports a MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records
    3. Import includes an update to the record's 010 $a value  

    A. No impact. Create as a new MARC authority record.

    B. I expect something else



    Edit MARC authority (NOT 010 $a or 1XX field) records via data import 

    1. User imports a MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records
    3. Import includes an update to record's 4XX value  

    A. No impact to any bib records linked to the authority record 

    B. I expect something else



    Delete MARC authority record via quickMARC

    1. User wants to delete MARC authority record (personal name - 100 $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910) 
    2. This record is linked to 1000 bib records 

    A. Allow for deletion to proceed. Ask user to confirm that they want to delete the authority record. Ensure they understand impact of unlinking these records by providing # of records to be unlinked.  Linked bib fields are no longer linked. Retain [$a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910] only change is user can now edit these values because no longer controlled. 

    B. Do not allow a user to delete authority record with linked bib records. 

    C. I expect something else