Question | Responses - prepend with initials |
Vendor : Do you use a vendor to update MARC bib and MARC authority records? |
Controlled MARC bib tags: Are the follow MARC bib tags controlled by a MARC authority record? Any other MARC bib tags that are controlled by a MARC authority record
| MARC 490 does not contain controlled headings; JS These are the tags controlled by typical authority control; there are other tags that have controlled vocabulary/URIs associated with them that could be controlled via linked data; LR |
Applying authority control via Data import: If you use data import, do you expect to set an option that will match MARC authority heading to MARC bib tag. | No; JS No; RW No; LR |
Applying authority control via single record import: Should an option be available that automatically applies authority control? | No; JS No; RW No; LR |
Authority control (manual) : Do you manually match headings? If so, what is the % of your workflow? | All individually cataloged items have their headings checked at time of cataloging; RW We do manually match headings, both headings needing resolution from vendor reports and headings we find in the catalog; 90% of our time spent, but about 20% of total number of headings under control; LR All individually cataloged titles have their headings checked at the time of cataloging in WorldCat (Connexion client) |
Authority control (automated): Do you currently use your ILS' automated service? If so, what is the % of your workflow? | Not until/unless the Entity Management App is developed, and then it should still be optional; JS No; we did, but found it insufficiently accurate as it was based on matching text strings; LR |
Current workflow for matching: What is your current workflow for matching headings? | Initially, it depends on the source of cataloging, but all headings are subsequently checked by our vendor on a weekly basis; JS |
Preferred vs non-preferred handling: How do you want to handle a non-preferred match? | Cataloger's judgement and/or automated service from the vendor; JS |
Matching: Do you populate your authority and bib records with $0 - Authority record control number or standard number and $1 - Real World Object URI (R)? Do you plan to populate $0 and/or $1? | The authority vendor populates the $0, when matching headings (links to id.loc.gov); JS No; RW We add $0 URIs both via the vendor and manually. Another unit sometimes adds $1 (as part of a project); LR |
Name (Authority file): Does your library use multiple Name - authority files? Which Name - authority file(s) does your library use? | LC; RW LCNAF, local auth file. LR |
Subject (authority file): Which Subject - authority file(s) does your library use? | LCSH; RW LCSH, local auth file (this is very important to us); LR LCSH, MeSH, AAT; JS |
Title (authority file): Which Title - authority file(s) does your library use? | LC; RW LCNAF, local auth file; LR LCNAF; JS |
Genre (authority file): Which Genre - authority file(s) does your library use? | LCGFT; RW LCGFT, RBMS, AAT, GSAFD, FAST, TGM, Local auth file; LR LCGFT, RBMS, AAT, GSAFD; JS |
Local (authority file): Does your library manage local authority records? | Some libraries have local authority name files : LD Very few; RW Yes, 2000+ auth recs; LR No; JS |
Updates (manual): Do you manually update headings? If so, what is the % of your workflow? | Only those that show up on reports; RW Only those that show up on reports from our vendor; JS |
Updates (automated): Do you currently use an automated service? If so, what is the % of your workflow? | Yes, the majority; RW We send 100% of our active catalog (not suppressed, withdrawn, etc.) to our vendor; new and updated records are sent weekly, deletes are sent quarterly, and the entire active catalog is sent out annually; JS |
Update bib records: What is your expectation for when updates should be applied to bib records? | Authorities processing done quarterly, updates should either happen the day the process is finished or that night; RW Weekly for new and updated bibs, and then once again annually for the refresh process; JS |
Reports/Lists: What reports are needed to support your workflow(s)? | Anytime the computer was not able to take care of something automatically. Other reports would depend on the capability of Folio to generate relevant reports without a lot of clutter; RW |
Preferred workflow for matching: What is your preferred workflow for matching? In other words, if you had the chance to build authority control support in a system from scratch what would be the preferred workflow? | Please see the vision for the Entity Management App; JS |
Preferred workflow for updating: What is your preferred workflow for updating? In other words, if you had the chance to build authority control support in a system from scratch what would be the preferred workflow? | Please see the vision for the Entity Management App; JS |
Any additional questions? What critical workflow/functionality has not been covered with these questions that should be discussed? | There can be a very fine line between what should and should not be done through automated processes and for certain things, manual is vastly preferred over automated; RW Please see the vision for the Entity Management App; JS |