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Question Responses - prepend with initials
Vendor : Do you use a vendor to apply to update MARC bib and MARC authority records? Duke does use a vendor; JS

Controlled MARC bib tags: Are the follow MARC bib tags controlled by a MARC authority record? Any other MARC bib tags that are controlled by a MARC authority record

  • 1XX
  • 240 
  • 490
  • 6XX
  • 7XX 
  • 8XX 
MARC 490 does not contain controlled headings; JS
Applying authority control via Data import: If you use data import, do you expect to set an option that will match MARC authority heading to MARC bib tag.  
Applying authority controlled a single record import: Should an option be available that automatically applies authority control? 
Authority control (manual) : Do you manually match headings? If so, what is the % of your workflow? 
Authority control (automated): Do you currently use an automated service? If so, what is the % of your workflow? 
Current workflow for matching:  What is your current workflow for matching headings?
Preferred workflow for matching: What is your preferred workflow for matching? In other words, if you had the chance to build authority control support in a system from scratch what would be the preferred workflow?  
Preferred vs non-preferred handling: How do you want to handle a non-preferred match? 
Matching: Do you populate $0 and $1? Do you plan to populate $0 and $1? 
Name (Authority file): Does your library use multiple Name - authority files? Which Name - authority file(s) does your library use? 
Subject (authority file): Which Subject - authority file(s) does your library use? 
Title (authority file): Which Title - authority file(s) does your library use? 
Genre (authority file): Which Genre - authority file(s) does your library use? 
Local (authority file): Does your library manage local authority records? 
Updates (manual): Do you manually match headings? If so, what is the % of your workflow?
Updates (automated): Do you currently use an automated service? If so, what is the % of your workflow?
Update bib records: What is your expectation for when updates should be applied to bib records?
Reports/Lists: What reports are needed to support your workflow(s)? 
Any additional questions? What critical workflow/functionality has not been covered with these questions that should be discussed?
