Service CPU Utilization
Here we can see that okapi modules used 42k% CPU power parameter CPU=2 for module.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99% average with ERW: Exporting Receiving Information.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99% average with ERW: Exporting Receiving Information
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99% maximum.
Service CPU Utilization
Here we can see that okapi used 43k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99%.
Service CPU Utilization
Here we can see that okapi used 46k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99%.
Service CPU Utilization
Here we can see that okapi used 46k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU Utilization
DB CPU was 99%.
- Test 7: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all modules, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 6 Instance Type: c7g.large, 3 of them for okapi service and other 3 for mod-cources, mod-sender, mod-tasks-list, mod-gobi, edge-dematic, mod-erm-usage, mod-eusage-reports, mod-notify, mod-data-import services and 10 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others modules. Fixed Load (average case without DE_Exporting MARC Bib records custom workflow, DE_Exporting MARC Bib records workflow, and OPIH_/oai/records workflow) MOBIUS test was run (Repeat Test 6).
- Test 8: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all modules, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 6 Instance Type: c7g.large, 3 of them for okapi service and other 3 for mod-cources, mod-sender, mod-tasks-list, mod-gobi, edge-dematic, mod-erm-usage, mod-eusage-reports, mod-notify, mod-data-import services and 10 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others modules. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run.
Objective: The objective of these tests was to validate the consistency of performance observed in Test 5 and Test 6. This was achieved by repeating the same configuration.
Results: We see performance improvements for Test 8.
Here we can see that okapi used 48k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 6010.
- Test 9: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all modules, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 6 Instance Type: c7g.large, 3 of them for okapi service and other 3 for mod-cources, mod-sender, mod-tasks-list, mod-gobi, edge-dematic, mod-erm-usage, mod-eusage-reports, mod-notify, mod-data-import services and 10 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others modules. Fixed Load (average case without DE_Exporting MARC Bib records custom workflow, DE_Exporting MARC Bib records workflow, and OPIH_/oai/records workflow) MOBIUS test was run (Repeat Test 7 after Terminate Instances r7g.xlarge).
- Test 10: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all modules, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 6 Instance Type: c7g.large, 3 of them for okapi service and other 3 for mod-cources, mod-sender, mod-tasks-list, mod-gobi, edge-dematic, mod-erm-usage, mod-eusage-reports, mod-notify, mod-data-import services and 10 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others modules. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run (Repeat Test 8 after Terminate Instances r7g.xlarge).
Objective: The objective of these tests was to validate the consistency of performance observed in Test 7 and Test 8. This was achieved by repeating the same configuration and applying new random task locations per instance after terminating the r7g.xlarge
Results: Performance result were worse on 50% for several workflows after terminating the r7g.xlarge instances and applying new random task locations per instance.
Here we can see that okapi used 48k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 5150.
Introduction: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all services, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 3 Instance Type: c7g.large for okapi service and 11 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others services. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run.
Objective: The goal of this test was to replace three c7g.large
instances with one additional r7g.xlarge
instance for all services, while retaining three c7g.large
instances specifically for the okapi
Results: The performance was worse compared to when we used the additional three c7g.large
instances for services with smaller workloads.
Here we can see that okapi used 45k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 5900.
Introduction: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all services, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 3 Instance Type: c7g.large for okapi service and 11 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others services. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run.
Objective: The objective of this test was to validate the degradation of performance observed in Test 11 by repeating the same configuration.
Results: We confirmed performance degradation with this configuration.
Here we can see that okapi used 43k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 6200.
Introduction: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all services, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 3 Instance Type: c7g.large for okapi service and 11 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others services. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run.
Objective: The objective of this test was to validate the degradation of performance observed in Test 11 by repeating the same configuration.
Results: We confirmed performance degradation with this configuration.
Here we can see that okapi used 45k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 5900.
Introduction: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all services, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 3 Instance Type: c7g.large for okapi and mod-authtoken service and 11 Instance Type: r7g.xlarge for others services. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run.
Results: We confirmed performance degradation with this configuration.
Here we can see that okapi used 38k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 5150.
Introduction: Test 16: The Baseline MCPT Environment configuration was applied, and CPU=2 was set for all services, used two autoscaling groups, 1st with 3 Instance Type: c7g.large for okapi service and 5 Instance Type: r7g.2xlarge for others services. Fixed Load (average case) MOBIUS test was run. Test 17: Repeat Test 16 with the same environment configuration.
Objective: The objective of this test was to reduce the number of instances in the main group from 10 to 5, while using higher capacity r7g.2xlarge instances instead of r7g.xlarge
Results: We observed performance improvements in Test 16 compared to Test 8, and by repeating the same configuration in Test 17, we confirmed these performance improvements.
Here we can see that okapi used 45k% of the CPU power of parameter CPU=2.
Here we can't see any sign of memory leaks on every module. Memory shows stable trend.
DB CPU was 99%.
Max number of DB connections was 6100.
PTF - Baseline MCPT environment configuration
- 14 m6g.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
1 database instance, writer
Name | Memory GIB | vCPUs |
db.r6g.4xlarge | 128 GiB | 16 vCPUs |
- Open Search ptf-test
- Data nodes
Dedicated master nodes
- Instance type - r6g.large.search
- Number of nodes - 3
- MSK ptf-KRaft-mode
Expand |
title | mcpt qcp1 modules memory and CPU parameters |
Cluster Resources - mcpt-pvt qcp1-pvt (Thu Sep 12 09:30:08 UTC 2024)
Def. Definition Revision | Module Version | Task Count | Mem Hard Limit | Mem Soft |
limit unitsMetaspaceSize | MaxMetaspaceSizeMetaspace Size | Max Metaspace Size |
mod-remote-storage | 186 | mod-remote-storage:3.2.0 | .11024121280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-finance-storage | 1454102417601281211128edgesip212edgesip231112818.31024modorganizations12modorganizations18128settings17settings2102489620076888128edgedematic15edgedematic211112815.72560 | 1292 | 384 | 512 | edge-dematic | 6 | edge-dematic:2.2.0 | 1 | 1024 | 896 | 0 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-search | 18.542048tags12tags10102489612876888128authtoken22authtoken1416144011521024922123128edgeinventory6edgeinventory1401024896128768922 | 88 | 128 | mod-inventory-update | 12211281211280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-configuration | 13941280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-orders-storage | 136451212112815721280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-erm-usage-harvester | 7-usage-harvester:4.4.1-usage-harvester:4.5.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 0 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-licenses | 6 | mod-licenses:6.0.0 | 2 | 2480 | 2312 | 0 | 1792 | 384 | 512 | mod-gobi | 6 | mod-gobi:2.8.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 1280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-password-validator | 126 | mod-password-validator:3. | 1128gobi13 | mod-gobi:2.7.1 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-licenses | 15 | mod-licenses:5.0.2 | 2 | 2480 | 2312 | 128 | 1792bulk-operations | 6 | mod-bulk-operations:2.0.0 | 2 | 3072 | 2600 | 0 | 1536 | 384 | 512 | mod-fqm-manager | 12131289.2512128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-bulk-operations | 18 | mod-bulk-operations:1.1.9 | 2 | 3072 | 2600 | 1024 | 1536 | 384 | 12002 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-finance | 128412876102489612876888128lists15lists.5128125128permissions26permissions64416841544512102438451217244000 | 1440 | 0 | 1024 | mod-permissions | 11 | mod-permissions:6.5.0 | 2 | 1684 | 1544 | 0 | 1024 | 384 | 512 | pub-edge | 64 | pub-edge:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 1281371414401024140.158 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 256 | 768 | 88 | 128 | edge-ncip | 12128usersbl12usersbl76214401152512922eadata-export7eadata-export401-SNAPSHOT.45 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 0 | 768 | 88 | 128 | 768 | mod-users-bl | 6 | mod-users-bl:7.7.0 | 2 | 1440 | 1152 | 0 | 922 | 88 | 128 | mod- | invoice13invoice5.7.414401152922512 | 128193 | mod-inventory-storage:27.1.0 | .442 | 4096 | 3690 | 2048 | 3076 | 384 | 512 | mod-invoice | 8 | mod-invoice:5.8.1 | 2 | 1440 | 1152 | 0 | 922 | 88 | 128 | mod-user-import | 126 | mod-user-import:3.8.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 1281211128157110240 | 1440 | 384 | 512 | mod-data-export-worker | 15-worker:3.1.22 | 3072 | 2800 | 1024 | 2048 | 384 | 512 | mod-rtac | 12 | mod-rtac50102489612876888128task-list7task-list1920 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-circulation-storage | 203 | mod-circulation-storage:17. | 1742 | 2880 | 2592 | 1536 | 1814 | 384 | 512 | mod-calendar | 13251280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-source-record-storage | 2118 | mod-source-record-storage:5.8.7 | .5 | 2 | 5600 | 5000 | 2048 | 3500 | 384 | 512 | mod-event-config | 1261281281280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-circulation-item | 96 | mod-circulation-item:1.0.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128191642 | 2880 | 2592 | 1024 | 1814 | 384 | 512 | mod-email | 1216102489612876888128circulation20circulation24.1142880259215361814pubsub16pubsub11.31536144010249221814 | 384 | 512 | mod-di-converter-storage | 176 | mod-di-converter-storage:2. | 1512815621 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | edge-orders | 15291128template-engine12template-engine119128users17users19241280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-patron-blocks | 149102413812813111280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-source-record-manager | 187 | mod-source-record-manager:3.9. | 77204864 | nginx-edge:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 12816.112894 | nginx-okapi:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 153681215361201280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-invoice-storage | 13741024edge-users | 6 | edge-users:1.2.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128901280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-service-interaction | 156 | mod-service-interaction: | 322560 | 1290 | 384 | 512 | mod-data-export | 17487102489610247688812812042 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-oai-pmh | 1612820480 | 3076 | 384 | 512 | edge-connexion | 12111280 | 768 | 88 | 128 | mod-kb-ebsco-java | 126 | mod-kb-ebsco-java:4.0.0 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 1281311280 | 952 | 384 | 512 | mod-data-export-spring | 156 | mod-data-export-spring:3.2.0 | .2256384 | 512 | mod-login | 12mod-login:7.10.1 | 2 | 1440 | 1298 | 1024 | 768 | 384 | 512 | mod-organizations-storage | 136 | mod-organizations-storage:4. | 64128pubokapipubokapi20230614102489612800edgeerm7edgeerm10012888128700128
Tests scenarios were started by JMeter script from load generator.
Baseline QCP1 Environment configuration: Parameter srs.marcIndexers.delete.interval.seconds=86400 for mod-source-record-storage, number of tasks to launch for service mod-marc-migrations-b was set zero. Instance type: m6g.2xlarge. Instances count: 10. Database db.r6g.xlarge, Amazon OpenSearch Service ptf-test: r6g.2хlarge.search (4 nodes).