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Attendance & NotesAngela

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: Linda (or substitute)
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates

Announcements /


Schedule for December

  • cancelling December 21 development team meeting and December 26 SIG meeting

One convener is great, but two is better!

  • Happy to announce that Sharon Beltaine will begin serving as co-convener (again!) in January. Thanks so much, Sharon!

Any new members?

  • Welcome/introductions
  • Would anyone like a buddy? Like to be a buddy?

How to find our latest recordings

(Always) Recruiting New Query Developers

  • The Reporting SIG is always on the look-out for new query developers. Please let us know if you are interested in doing query development or if there are others at your institution who might be a good fit.

Update on documentation of derived tablesStefan, Axel
  • Axel and Stefan have met to talk about automating documentation of derived tables
  • Stefan created a script to extract comments and tables from the derived table scripts
  • Would like to automate diagrams for these tables, but it could be tricky. Have to parse the SQL to extract the tables and the joining fields.
  • In Monday SIG, we decided diagrams would really be helpful if possible
  • Discussion
    • today in RM/ERM, there were some questions about how we designed the derived tables, why are some separate
    • maybe this documentation will help us think more systematically about the derived tables across all areas
    • diagrams are hard to automate, but if it was something we had to do manually, that would be pretty tricky
Review of In-Progress Projects
Updates and Query Demonstrations from Various Reporting Related Groups and EffortsCommunity & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads

Project updates

Reporting development is using small subgroups to address priorities and complete work on report queries.  Each week, these groups will share reports/queries with the Reporting SIG.  Reporting development team leads are encouraged to enter a summary of their work group activities below.

RA/UM Working Group

MM Working Group

  • Meetings are 1st Tuesday of the month, 12-1pm ET via zoom using the usual FOLIO password. Our lab sessions are open to everyone. Please bring your questions, examples, and comments about reporting and metadata. MM notes
  • We will be fixing the LDP derived table instance_ext.sql which has a duplicate field (record_source and instance_source). The column record_source will be removed and comments will be added to the derived table.
  • If you are able to test ldpmarc 1.6 new release, please do so.

ERM Working Group

RM Working Group

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

  • Morning Glory documentation is live on
  • Nolana documentation is in review
  • Orchid documentation will be in progress soon, and plans are underway to include beta-level documentation for Metadb
  • Additional Context
    • The Reporting SIG has representation on the Documentation Working Group, which is building end-user documentation for (mostly linking to existing documentation over on GitHub)

External Statistics Working Group

  • no updates currently
  • new organizational/tracking scheme for JIRA, with pointers to queries in folio-analytics repository
  • New organizational structure for External Statistics reports
    • external statistics reports (e.g., ACRL) typically require running queries from different functional reporting areas
    • these reports will be captured in JIRA under one UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issue, then the descriptions will point to each of the queries required to run them on the folio-analytics repository
    • institutions will need to rank each of these 8 new UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issues
    • each reporting development team will take responsibility for the queries in their area for the external statistics clusters

Product Council

For all recent work on FOLIO Reporting SQL development:

Topics for Future MeetingsAll
  • How to deal with External Stats reports?
    • maybe subteam leads check in about that
    • probably wait until after Metadb conversion is more complete
  • Exploring new recruitment/onboarding strategies (e.g., buddy system)
  • More work on asynchronous collaboration, how to engage in discussions and question answering more broadly
    • consider connecting with a Slack channel, to make sure any forum topics get highlighted on Slack as well?
  • Open question: should we update FOLIO LDP-based Reporting First Implementers Grid
  • Cleaning up our wiki pages
  • Monday, Dec 12: update on documentation of derived tables
  • January: tips on querying date fields from Sharon and Joanne
  • talk about preparation for Metadb: do institutions have questions? is there anything we should be working on to try to support them?

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 
