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Attendance & NotesSharon

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: Linda Miller
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates
SIG Charge ReviewSharon

SIG Conveners have been asked to review and update the FOLIO Special Interest Groups (SIG) Charge.

  • We'll walk through the current revisions to share the updates and hear your feedback
  • questions or comments?
    • updates were made to the Notetaker role
  • Decision: decision  Decisions will be better documented by marking tagging them explicitly explicitly.

Seeking a Reporting SIG Liaison to the FOLIO Documentation Working GroupSharon

Product Council has ask the Reporting SIG for a representative for the FOLIO Documentation Working Group.

This individual will work with our Reporting Documentation subgroup and act as a liaison to the larger FOLIO Documentation Working Group.

Dracine Hodges put together the following job description for SIG Liaisons to the FOLIO Documentation Working Group

We are looking for individuals who have:

  • a good understanding of their SIG area
  • Someone who thinks logically about the functional tasks and understands the end user for relevant apps
  • Someone able to engage their SIG in generating a task lists and source material for version 1 documentation
  • Reps will need to commit a couple (2-3 estimate) hours a week;  they are not expected to input all of the documentation
  • The role will help coordinate documentation effort across FOLIO
  • Initial appointment will be through June, with the hope of carrying on through the end of the calendar year

Test Data Updates (reminder)All

FOLIO Reporting developers and Reporting SIG members are encouraged to use this new page to share test data cases they have entered into FOLIO reference environments to keep us all aware of what data to expect when we test our queries.

Updates and Query Demonstrations from Various Reporting Related Groups and EffortsCommunity & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads

Project updates

Reporting development is using small subgroups to address priorities and complete work on report queries.  Each week, these groups will share reports/queries with the Reporting SIG.  Reporting development team leads are encouraged to enter a summary of their work group activities below.

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

    • Representative from Reporting SIG to (NEW) Documentation Working Group
    • see Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup page in this wiki
    • small group addressing Product Council request to provide FOLIO documentation (Linda, Axel, Sharon)
    • additional members welcome!

FOLIO Reporting development

RA/UM Working Group

MM Working Group

  • Duplicate orders - in testing
  • Started work on HathiTrust
  • Working group uses this spreadsheet to track JIRA issues, priority, and reports needed.

ERM Working Group

RM Working Group

  • creating derived table to gather invoice payment information (invoices_ext)
  • report development planned for FOLIO-Analytics Release 1.1
    • ACRL expenditures, title count, volume count, e-resources count
    • subscriptions query
    • fund query
    • claims query
  • for latest updates, see RM Prototype and Query Development Status

External Statistics Working Group

  • ACRL query set to be targeted for FOLIO-Analytics 1.1 release
  • new organizational/tracking scheme for JIRA, with pointers to queries in folio-analytics repository
  • New organizational structure for External Statistics reports
    • external statistics reports (e.g., ACRL) typically require running queries from different functional reporting areas
    • these reports will be captured in JIRA under one UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issue, then the descriptions will point to each of the queries required to run them on the folio-analytics repository
    • institutions will need to rank each of these 8 new UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issues
    • each reporting development team will take responsibility for the queries in their area for the external statistics clusters

Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Next meeting: March 8 Reporting SIG Meeting: Stephan Stefan Dombek will demonstrate his methods for creating Report Views for his reporting users.

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

Chicago using LDPTod
  • Chicago has used relational db for last 25 years
  • Access to db was opened gradually for reporting
  • Specific reporting applications built (pull list) for variety of functional needs
  • Chicago looking for ways to manage and rebuild these reports

  •  A test Action Item (Ingolf)
