API reference documentation for all modules located at: https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/
Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object) | Folio Data Element Description | Parameters/Query |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items | ||
Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/ID) | The inventory ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans |
Item holdings record ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/holdingsRecordID) | The holdings record ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings |
Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/permanentLocationID) | Item's permanent location ID | Needed to pull in 'name' element from mod-inventory-storage/locations, as searches for missing items are done by specific location, and all location fields need to be included |
Item Location mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/temporaryLocationID) | Item's temporary location ID | Needed to pull in 'name' element from mod-inventory-storage/locations, as searches for missing items are done by specific location, and all location fields need to be included |
holdings RecordID(mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items: holdingsRecordID) | holdings ID | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage |
Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/materialTypeID) | ID of the material type | Needed for items with serials material type |
Item Enumeration (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/enumeration) | Item enumerator (e.g., vol. 1, No. 2, etc.) | Needed for circulation and browse count |
Item Chronology (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/chronology) | Descriptive information for the dating scheme of a serial | Needed for circulation and browse count |
Item Copy Number (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/copyNumbers) | Item copy number (e.g., copy 1, copy 2, etc.) | Needed for circulation and browse count |
Item note (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/notes: description) | Notes about the item | The item notes field may contain information that could be useful for an item search. All notes associated with an item should be included. |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings | ||
Item holdings ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/ID) | The holdings ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items. |
Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/permanentLocationID) | Item's permanent holdings location ID | Needed to pull in 'name' element from mod-inventory-storage/locations, as searches for missing items are done by specific location, and all location fields need to be included |
Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/temporaryLocationID) | Item's temporary holdings location ID | Needed to pull in 'name' element from mod-inventory-storage/locations, as searches for missing items are done by specific location, and all location fields need to be included |
Item Title (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/shelvingTitle) | The title of the item | Needed for item search/replacement |
Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/InstanceID) | The instance ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances. |
Holding Notes (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/notes:HoldingNotesTypeID | ||
Table name: (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans | ||
Item checkout location (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemEffectiveLocationAtCheckOut) | Location from where item was checked out | (not sure if this is needed for this report) |
loan ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/id) | Loan ID | Needed to count the number of unique loans, to calculate historic charges |
loan renewal count (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/renewal count) | Number of times an item loan has been renewed | Needed to add to the count of unique loan ids to calculate historic charges |
Item ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemId) | The UUID of the item | Provides a join point between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances | ||
ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances/ID) | The instance ID of the item | Provides a join between (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings |
Date of Publication (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances/publication:dateOfPublication) | Date (year YYYY) of publication, distribution, etc. | Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Record Date (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances/cataloguedDate) | Date item record was created (date the item first entered the system after being acquired) | Needed for item search/replacement |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/material-types | ||
(mod-inventory-storage/material-types/ID) | The material type ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/material-types and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/material-types/name) | Name of the material type (e.g., book, DVD, etc.) | Needed for item search/replacement |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations | ||
Location name (mod-inventory-storage/locations/name) | Name of location | For both reports, this provides a filter, as searches for missing items are done by specific location. |
Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locations/ID) | ID of the location | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/locations and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points | ||
Transit Destination Service Point ID (mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points: ID) | ID of the (transit destination) service point | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Transit Destination Service Point Name (mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points: name) | name of the (transit destination) service point | Needed for lost in transit report, in case the item was incorrectly routed |