- how can reporting step in for workflow, which won't cover everything RA needs in first iteration
- example: items that need to change state after certain amount of time
- RA will need to sit down and identify things that it was assumed the workflow engine would take care of
- is any of it reporting functionality? may be, but some may just be normal reports
- maybe set up a meeting with RA SIG, small group?
- RA will probably just work on it together first
- this may be part of a great use case for additional development resources
- will have to do some analysis of in-app vs. LDP; only have resources to work on LDP (check out the new LDP vs. In-App explanation)
- In-App vs. Data Warehouse
- will meet again at 8am Tuesdaychanging UXPROD-933 to REP, is a partial duplicate of UXPROD-1327, so no need for two in-app reports and makes sense to be able to run this kind of report against historical data
- for data privacy, reports with patron identifiable data may need to stay in-app; includes things like fees/fines?
building report prototypes is like a mycelial network: you build one report, but then can tailor different branches