- external reports (e.g., ARL) - the "report" will be a collected set of queries required for external statistics; each of the queries, however, might be useful for other reports
- Question: how does that work with GitHub? If we update the query in one place, do we just have to remember to update it everywhere else it might be used?
Action items
Resource Access Visit
- Sharon Markus
- Angela Zoss (Old)
- Andrea Loigman
- Kevin Walker
- Jana Freytag
- Scott Perry
- (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
- Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- Nassib Nassar
- lm15@cornell.edu
- Emma Boettcher
- E Pennington
- Joanne Leary
- how can reporting step in for workflow, which won't cover everything RA needs in first iteration
- example: items that need to change state after certain amount of time
- RA will need to sit down and identify things that it was assumed the workflow engine would take care of
- is any of it reporting functionality? may be, but some may just be normal reports
- maybe set up a meeting with RA SIG, small group?
- RA will probably just work on it together first
- this may be part of a great use case for additional development resources
- will have to do some analysis of in-app vs. LDP; only have resources to work on LDP (check out the new LDP vs. In-App explanation)
- In-App vs. Data Warehouse
- will meet again at 8am Tuesday
building report prototypes is like a mycelial network: you build one report, but then can tailor different branches
Demo of schemaspy, GitHub, test data
Resource Access has additional report requirements
Action items
- add a user story to the JIRA issue about storing effective location in loan (UXPROD-1432)