- Circulation Transaction Detail
- Circulation Transactions
- Loans by with Material Type
- Circulation Transactions with Bibliographic Detail
- Loans by with Material Type with and Bibliographic Detail
- Loans with Item Detail
Question: do we really need to specific "bibliographic detail" in the report name? Is it reasonable to assume bibliographic data will be included?
(extensive discussion)
General workflow for reports:
- cluster reports
- figure out the query that includes all necessary data elements
- build additional queries that filter/subset that full query as specified
The 5 most used apps of FOLIO that reports will be generated for:
- users
- circulation (check out, check in, requests)
- inventory
- finance and orders
- resource management
Upper-level grouping options:
- Circulation (use App names/API structure; users, circulation, inventory, finance and orders, resource management)
- maybe this is most readable for non-expert analysts
- Resource Access (stick with current functional areas)
- useful for report development, but maybe not useful for UX; could potentially just include tags on GitHub
-use tagging (e.g., in GitHub?) to help organize reports
Linking between JIRA and future report documentation (GitHub);
- Issue title should change to the new naming convention
- all dwreport issues stay in REP
- to filter down to reporting umbrella categories, create a new field? add tags? (TBD)
Report Naming Construct
-by = filter or focus
-with = what the report includes, details
Filtering Questions and Names of Reports and Queries
-only include columns for which there is a one to one join
-Where vs Select Filtering
Query = join loans
Query = filter material types
Loans Report
Loans Query
What should we build?
-full, larger report with all the difficult joins
Name of Quer(ies):
Short name(s) for queries: