- Add your report to the appropriate tab (functional area) in the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet on the bottom of the list. It MUST be added to the bottom of the list.
- Add the next ID number for your report.
- If the report doesn't currently exist (i.e.it is on your "wishlist"), please the word "Wishlist" in the "Link to Sample" column of the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet.
- Send At this point a JIRA issue needs to be created in the Reporting JIRA project for the new report. You have two options:
- If you are uncomfortable with JIRA, send an email message with the new ID number and worksheet tab (functional area) to Holly Mistlebauer so and she can will add a new FOLIO JIRA ticket for your new report.After Holly creates
- If you are comfortable with JIRA, create the JIRA issue yourself following these strict guidelines
- After the JIRA issue is created, everyone who has ask to be notified of new reporting issues will receive an email message about the new issue.