Testing will take place September 9-13, 2024. Please have the form submitted by the end of the day on September 13, 2024.
Test environment: https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/
Test credentials: (username/password)
Feedback form:
Related Videos
Link to video demonstration (s)of requesting functionality. You do not need to sign in to access the recording.
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Create a Title level request (workflow A)
Edit a Title level request
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Using the search box or filters on the left, look for one of the requests you created in steps 1-3
Select the request by clicking on it’s line in the results table
Review the following in the Request details pane: Request expiration date, Fulfillment preference, Pickup service point
Click on the Actions button in the Request details and select Edit
Edit the form by adding a Request expiration date, or by changing the Fulfillment preference or Pickup service point
Click Save & close
Click on the Actions menu in the Request details and select Edit again
Edit the form a second time by adding or changing the Request expiration date, or by changing the Fulfillment preference or Pickup service point
Click Cancel
Reorder a title request queue
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Locate a request you created in steps 1-3
From the request details, select the Actions dropdown
Select Reorder queue
Using the 6 dots to the left of the Order column, click and drag a request to a different place in the queue
Pay attention to the number in the Order column
Cancel a title level request
Log in to
Navigate to the Requests app
Locate a request you created in steps 1-3
From the request details, select the Actions dropdown
Select Cancel
Select a Reason for cancellation from the dropdown menu
Click Confirm
Look at the request details and note the request status
Questions for form
Were you able to cancel a request?
Did If not, what does the request status show?
the request status
update to Closed - Cancelled?